Chapter Two

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To think this had all started off as a normal Tuesday morning into one nightmarish Tuesday afternoon.

Elias and I had this amazing idea to go on a hike throughout the woods, probably spend the night in it because we planned to go far. We were both thrilled for it and started off early in the morning. As we were hiking though, we stumbled upon an abandoned house, or what we thought was abandoned. If we were in a movie, we'd probably be screamed at to stay away, leave it alone, but we made the mistake of going inside. Curiosity won over common sense.

When we entered, it seemed pretty normal for an abandoned house, cobwebs and dust everywhere, nothing seemed that disturbed. The basement door was locked, so we left it alone and continued exploring making our way to the attic.

That's where we figured out it wasn't all that abandoned. There was a lab in the attic where we finally recovered enough common sense to not touch anything there and agreed to leave the house plus forget about it. As we were headed out the door, we heard the basement door slam against the wall and a towering beast came running up the stairs. Obviously, we took off running and looked behind us to see the beast enter outside and grow to its enormous state its currently in. Pretty sure that brings you up to speed to us crashing through the woods, nearing the edge of the forest.

Breaking free of the forest, Elias and I skid to a halt, pebbles being kicked down the abrupt cliff ahead of us.

"Elias, I don't know about you, but this is getting weirder and weirder to me. First, that beast, now a cliff I have no recollection of? Hell, we may be in Narnia for all I know!"

"Hey, please, just listen and calm down. It could just be we went in the wrong direction of town and now in an area we haven't explored yet," he replies calmly, smiling.

This doesn't help me whatsoever as panic fills my eyes, "Ooooooh! So we're actually lost while a monster hunts us down and we have no clue where or how close civilization is now."

Elias rubs the back of his head, "Well, put that way, maybe I didn't do a good job of describing the situation or calming you down, but we'll be fine! I swear! We aren't lost as long as I'm here!"

I give him a droll stare, "Perfect! So you know where we are and how to get back! Also! You know how to get away from that beast!"

He stares back at me, a look of are you fucking kidding me written across his face.

"Yea... I didn't think so Elias. We're doomed, dead, gone. No one knows where we are or what happened to us! Not even dying in a heroic way or being worth remembered for. Just another two campers that got lost in the woods to never be found again!"

Elias stares at me, "Are you actually kidding me right now? Seriously? God, you're being so melodramatic and over the top. We aren't in a play or movie, so cut the theatrics. We aren't going to get miraculously rescued. We have to save ourselves, and really can't afford the time you're giving to... whatever you want to call that."

"Hmph." I turn around and walked off the cliff. Or would have if it wasn't for Elias catching my arm and literally throws me on the other side of him into the dirt.

His eyes flash with anger as he grinds his jaw... I really did it this time.

"Are you bloody kidding me? Sam! What the hell? Pay the hell attention to where you're going!' He turns to the sky, "Gods above I pray and beseech you to save me from this fucking idiot."

Yup.... he snapped alright. I cast my eyes downwards trying to look pitiful, "I... I'm... Look, Elias, I'm sor-"

"I really don't care for your apology. If you didn't almost walk off the edge of that cliff, you wouldn't have to apologize. Just shut up for once in your life."

He starts off in a new direction, ignoring any pleas or sounds I make for him to slow down. In fact, he seems to just speed up as I get closer, keeping distance between us. I sigh, and concede to it. This Tuesday is just getting worse and worse.

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