Chapter 1

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The day started completely normal.

My mom woke me up to join her for some weird new yoga regiment she started and then I finished packing up my room. I was moving to Washington in a couple days to spend the rest of high school with my dad. My mom had just gotten married to Phil, who was nice and all but traveled a lot for work. Mom stayed home with me but I knew she missed him when he was away so I thought it would be better for everyone if I went to live with my dad for a while. Besides, I missed my dad so it really would be a good thing.

"Mom! Do we have any more duct tape?" I called down the stairs.

"Check the storage closet downstairs!"

I opened the closet to find only a completely empty roll of duct tape. Great. Renee must have used it all. I would have to head to Home Depot or something to get more today. I swear, if I wasn't around, Renee would be living in a house with empty storage closets and pantries. Luckily Phil is a lot better about keeping stocked up.

"I'm heading to the store! I'll be right back!"

I grabbed the car keys and my wallet and drove to Home Depot, only stumbling slightly as I got out of the car. I wanted to be in and out of the store as quickly as possible, but I was too anxious to ask a store employee so I sped through the aisles, looking at the overhead signs to try to track down the tape.

Although looking back, this probably wasn't a very good idea considering my clumsy track record.

I proved myself to be right when I turned the corner too fast and didn't see the yellow caution sign indicating the wet floor.

Of course I slipped and I felt my feet slide out from under me, the ground getting closer.

And then everything as black.

"Miss? Miss? Are you alright?" I heard a voice who I assume was talking to me but all I could do was groan.


I finally opened my eyes to be blinded by the sun.

Wait...SUN? I thought I was in Home Depot? I blinked, allowing my eyes to adjust to the scene in front of me.

I was on my butt on the sidewalk, outside. A woman who looked only slightly younger than Renee stood over me, looking down at where I was sitting. Her blonde hair was pulled up into some sort of updo and her blue eyes had a worried expression. It took a second to process what she was wearing. She had on a long sleeve dress with a high neckline with the hem almost reaching the floor. She also had on a huge sun hat that was giving me some shade as well.

What a weird outfit choice. I looked around and saw that everyone was dressed in a similar fashion.

What the hell is happening? There were a few cars driving in the street and a couple more horse drawn carriages. I looked down to see that I was still dressed in the same tank top and jeans that I Ieft the house in.

"Miss?" The woman asked one more time. Gosh, she must think I'm really slow.

"Um, where am I?"

"Oh, dear. You must have hit your head pretty hard. You're in Union Square."

"In Phoenix?" I wrack my brain trying to remember if there was a Union Square in Phoenix. I didn't think there was.

"Oh dear lord. The poor child thinks she's in Arizona!" The woman says to herself before turning back to me. "You're in Chicago," she tells me slowly, as if I won't be able to comprehend it.

I freeze. Chicago? How did I end up in Chicago? Was I kidnapped or something? None of this makes any sense. And is this how people dress in Chicago?

I needed to get home. My mom is going to kill me when she finds out I'm in Chicago.

But then a sign caught my eye that made things even more confusing.

On one of the stores lining the street is a sign that says "Whites Only." Now I know Chicago isn't that far back in the times.

I'm suddenly hit with a thought that couldn't possibly be real but I had to ask anyway.

"What year is it?" I ask the woman. I'm sure I have a scared look on my face at this point.

She looks at me like I'm crazy. "1917...Would you like to come back to my home with me? Maybe we can get you a cup of tea, let you rest, and possibly recall your memory a bit." Then she looks down at the ground where I'm still sitting. "Or at least get you off of the filthy pavement."

I quickly stand up, stumbling a bit and steadying myself with the help of the woman.

"Come dear." The woman leads me down the street to where I'm assuming is her house. Now normally I would never follow a stranger like this but given the circumstances, I think I'll take my chances.

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