Chapter 3

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The next day, I woke up to the sound of someone bursting into my room.

"Rise and shine!" I stretch and look around to see a room that was definitely not mine.

Wait... Packing...Home Depot...Lillian...Oh, right.

I look over to see Lillian placing a light pink dress on the dresser.

"Good morning! Get dressed and put up your hair. You could braid it, that would look lovely, and then come down for breakfast before church," She tells me before heading down the stairs.

I was a morning person for the most part but even that was too much for me first thing in the morning. She reminded me of Renee.

I got dressed in the pink dress that was laid out for me. The sleeves stopped right around my elbow and the dress went all the way down to my ankles. There was some lace on the bottom and sleeves. From everything I've read in books of this period, this seems to be a pretty nice dress. I probably would have loved it if it was in a different color, but it was still nice.

I had no idea how to do my hair in the style of this period. Hell, I didn;t even do my hair in my own period. I usually left it down and maybe threw it up in a bun or ponytail when it's more convenient.

I fumbled with my dark brown locks attempting to braid it like I had seen my mother do on herself but honestly, It was just getting more and more tangled.

Frustrated, I throw the brush down onto the dresser which then bounces towards the door.

"Would you like some help?"

I look up to see Anna standing in the doorway. Now that I got a good look at her, she seemed only a few years older than me.

I feel my cheeks start to get red. "Yes, please."

Anna silently picks up the brush and makes her way over to where I'm sitting. We sit in comfortable silence as she braids my hair which she was amazingly good at.

"Thank you," I tell her once she's finished.

Anna just nods her head and quickly exits the room. I follow soon after and make my way down the stairs, only managing to trip over the last step.

"Isabella!" I hear Lillian's voice coming from one of the rooms so I follow it like I'm playing a game or Marco Polo.

When I finally find her, she's sitting at a large table with food on it. Just then, my stomach grumbles. I guess I didn't notice how hungry I was with everything that had been happening.

"How are you doing, dear?" Lillian asks me as I take a seat across from her.

"Considering the situation, I'm doing just great," I tell her.

"We should be leaving in about an hour, so eat up!" Lillian starts to make her plate.

I look around at the different foods on the table to see what I could recognize. There was fruit and tea, but I didn't know what the cereal looking thing was.

"What exactly is that?" I point to it.

"That is fried hominy. And those are biscuits."

I had no idea what hominy was but I knew what biscuits were so I opted for one of those with some fruit.

Lillian and I made small talk while we ate and soon we had finished and it was time for us to leave.

"Now remember," Lillian tells me as we walk through the town to the church. "If anybody asks, you're my niece. And if you don't recognize anything or don't know what anything is, just smile and nod. Oh, and try not to be so bold. The men here hate that," She rolls her eyes as she continues to babble on about some do's and don'ts of people during this time.

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