On The Ice Part 1

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Y/n's Pov: You then waddled back over towards your friends after talking to Kai. You's were all excited and ready to get on the ice.

Y/n's Pov: All of you made your way to the front of the line so you could all be the first ones in the Ice-Skating Rink. One by one yous were slowly getting on the ice. Soon you were the next one up. One of the helpers asked if you'd like some help. Wich you kindly said no to but you soon regretted it because you almost fell over on the ice.

But you luckily grabbed ahold of the rails. Scarlett was the first one on the ice so she was already skating all around the place while you and basically everyone else was clinging onto the rails lik9e their life depended on it. Soon she skated over to yous and asked if you wanted some help getting off the wall and starting to skate. 

Wich, you immediately said yes to. Scarlett then put her hand out for you to take which you gladly took. You're then both then slowly skating around the rink. Scarlett then said that she was going to help out Marina so she then let go of your hand and skated over to Marina. While you were basically frozen in your position like a statue.

You looked around the rink and saw Marie pushing Bec on a kangaroo helper and the same with Danella who was pushing Sarah on the kangaroo.

You looked around the rink and saw Marie pushing Bec on a kangaroo helper and the same with Danella who was pushing Sarah on the kangaroo

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(Pretend that the people being pushed on the kangaroos are Bec and Sarah and that the two boys are Marie and Danella. Also, that you are all on an outside skating rink)

So you decided that you were going to try and skate over towards them and hope that you wouldn't fall over. You slowly started to skate over to them which took a couple of minutes considering you were literally moving at the speed of a snail. Hoping that you will not fall over onto the cold, slippery ice. You made it over to them and started to talk to them.

Marie's Pov: I was pushing Bec on one of the kangaroos when I saw Y/n slowly making their way over towards us. So I gave them a wave. Soon they were talking to Bec and me when Y/n suddenly lost their balance and were about to fall over when they quickly grabbed ahold of the kangaroos head with her only centimetres away from falling onto the ice.

They had a completely shocked face plastered on them they must have thought that they were going to hit the ground. Y/n slowly pulled themself back up to a standing position. They then started to nervously laugh at themself. Bec and I soon joined in. Y/n then said that they were going to look for Scarlett we both nodded our heads and said goodbye.

Y/n's Pov: I then said to Marie and Bec that I was going to look for Scarlett they both nodded their heads and said goodbye to me I did the same. Then I slowly started to skate around the ice rink. When I saw her holding onto the rails so I started to pick up the pace soon I was in arms reach of Scarlett but I couldn't stop I soon crashed straight into the wall. 

Scarlett's Pov: I went skating over to Marina and asked her if she wanted some help like what I did with Y/n. She said yes and I helped her out by holding her hand and teaching her to skate by herself.

*_+*_+*_+*_+*_+*_+*_+ 5 minutes later*_+*_+*_+*_+*_+*_+*_+

I let marina go off and skate by herself and then decided to wait over near the wall and catch my breath. That's when I saw Y/n skating over towards me. Wich, I was very happy about since they could skate by themselves. They were gaining speed very quickly. They were getting closer and closer to me while still gaining speed. Soon they were in arms reach of me and that was when she crashed into the wall.

A/N: Sorry about the short chapter this was kind of just a filler chapter for the book. The next chapter will be hopefully around or over 1000 idk. I'm sorry for not uploading frequently on this book a lot has been going on lately.

P.s: Rember you are all amazing and remember to drink lots of water and to eat food. 
I hope you all have an amazing day/night. 

From WolfieSnowDew/Chevy :) 

Word count: 788

Ice Skating Boy / Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now