Meeting Ice Skating Boy And A Secret Talent

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Last Chapter:
Because Scarlett was also falling along with you, so you were bracing yourself for the cold hard impact of ice, that was going to hit your back. But it never came instead you felt, someone, grab a hold of you so that you wouldn't fall to the ground you looked up and saw............ 

 Y/n's Pov: I looked up and saw a boy wearing a light brown beanie, blue jeans, brown jacket, white shirt and blue sneakers. He picked you back up so that you were standing steady on the ice. You couldn't help but feel that he looked, familiar to you but you pushed that to the back of your mind. 

I then said thank you to the boy. He then said no problem, near one of the walls you saw all of your friends looking at you smirking and wiggling their eyebrows at you just rolled your eyes at them but also laughed. You then realised that you were still holding hands with the boy. You then turned a light shade of pink and said sorry the boy then said that it was ok he also was a light shade of pink as well.  

You then started to head over to your friend group but tripped over your own feet. You were lucky that he had caught you otherwise your but would have hit the ground very hard. The teen boy then asked if you would like, to be escorted over to your friends you nodded your head politely he then took your hand and you both were slowly heading over to your friends.

All of your friends were doing the same thing they had done before with you and the boy they were all wiggling their eyebrows, smirking, and were silently laughing. Soon enough they were already with the friend group. He soon said his goodbyes to all of you. All of your friends soon turned their attention to you, you then took this chance to ask what they were laughing at. Marie and Bec then both said between laughs. 

Damm I might have to start falling over more often and hope that someone attractive helps me up they then both began to laugh out loud at what they had just said. You thought that they were joking but Danella, Marie, Bec, and Hannah all then skated off into the middle and began to dramatically fall onto the ice. You and the rest of your friends were laughing so much that you were all hanging onto the rails for dear life. 

There were two boys that started to skate over to help them but since all four of them had fallen to the ground they needed backup so another pair of boys had also started to help them up. To be honest, it was hilarious once they had helped them up and started to skate off that had all tripped over each other but this time they had actually fallen over and not on purpose. So all of the boys all turned back around and went to help them up again.

They were then all escorted over to us. The boys that had helped them had all looked at us like we were on something, we were laughing our buts off crying from the amount of laughing we had done and some of us were gasping for air. I have a very strange laugh it sounds like a kettle so that makes us laugh even more. Soon enough almost all of the people at the ice skating rink were all looking at us.  

5 Minutes Later:

Still Y/n's Pov:We had all stopped laughing and Danella, Marie, Bec and Hannah were back with us we were all talking to each other. Audrey then asked if we should all try and do so ice skating tricks, we all nodded in agreement but the thing was we didn't know any tricks so we went to good old reliable YouTube. We all huddled over my phone and searched up, "cool ice skating tricks" I then clicked o the first video 

The first one we saw was the Fankick To Illusion trick we all watched carefully and all then skated a bit out and then all began to try and attempt to do the trick it didn't go so well we had all fallen onto the ground no matter how many times we had tried but I had stayed up the longes witch was surprising because you had never went before to do it so we moved onto the next one witch was called the Cantilever it looked pretty hard but we tried it any way. 

We when't in turns and tried to do the trick soon it was my turn so I skated out a little ad then began to skate a little to gain a bit of speed and then began to slowly bend my back but I started to lose some balance but continued to do the trick I had soon regained my balence and continued to do the trick I felf multiple stares on me but I kept on going. In the background I heard my friends cheering me on. I then slowed down regained my posture and began to skate back over to the group. 

I was completely shocked including my friends. After talking about what had just happened, we moved onto the next one. Witch was the hydroblade we all watched very carefully and I put my phone away in my pocket and asked who wanted to go first they all looked at me. So I took it that they wanted me to go so I then said ok I will go I all heard them sigh of relief. I than skated out a little and began to lower my cence of gravity to the ground while still skating. 

I then put one of my hands on the ground lightly like what the lady did and put my other up in the air soon I was replicating what the lady was doing my friends were all once again cheering me on. While they were doing that I was wondering how on earth I could do these tricks I mean I can barely skate by my self, so it is truly a mirical that I can do that without failing. 

I could soon feel multiple stares on me so I lifted my head up a little to see children, couples, falimy, friend groups all staing at me including Ice Skating Boy. I smiled at the name I had just gave him, Ice Skating Boy I thought to myself wow really creative I quietly laughed to myself but it kinda worked since he was really good at ice skating and he was a boy soooooo yeah. Have to tell my friends about that. 

I soon then went back to standing up still having all of the gazes on me when I was looking through the croud I saw one person I didn't want to see....... Harley and he was looking at me directly in the eyes. I looked away and headed back over to my friends. Hannah then said "wow Y/n I think you have found you're secret talent" you laughed and nodded your head "I think so too" you said.

Ice Skating boys pov😏 bet yall weren't expecting that😏😄: 
I was helping out two little kids that had fallen over on the ice so I had lifted them both up off the ground and skatend them over to their farther I think, that is who he was they both looked to be around 5 or 6 tears of age. The man said thank you same with the kids when they all looked to the front. I turned around to see not only them but almost the whole Ice Skating Rink people  looking at a girl that was perfecting the Hydroblade trick. 

Everyone was looking at them in amazement. It took me a moment to realise that, that was the girl that i had helped when they had fallen and was about to fall they were doing absolutely amazing they had perfected the trick even  Ihave trouble with the trick and I have been doing skating ever since I was 6 so a long time, I might have to ask then for some tips on how to do it. They then stood back up and looked at all of the people that were looking at them. 

But they looked to the left of them but then quickly looked away and went over to their friend group. I looked the same way that they had done and saw a boy.......... Harley he looked me straight in the eyes then vanished. I sighed in relief but in caution aswell this is going to be sooooo fun😒 🙄

I am very sorry about the late update tommow I will upload a new chapter for this book tomorrow and the same with hopefully all my other books. It is 8:44 pm on a school night and I have science homework I haven't even started yet so I am going to have to try and finish that by tomorrow morning😔, I am sorry if their are any spelling mistakes in this chapter.I hope you all have an amazing day or night and remember, you are all amazing and fantastic also remember to have lots of water and to eat your food :)

From WolfieSnowDew / Chevy :)

Word Count: 1573                                                                                                 

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