What Do You Mean Unicorns Arent Real?

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As I finally finished my Twilight marathon, which may I add is a lovely way to spend a day, I ordered a pizza and since I am me the pizza got here in about 5 minutes. As I opened the door I saw that the pizza man was actually a unicorn. He magically transformed before my eyes into. I bet you won't ever guess who. HARRY STYLES. I always knew there was something magical about his orbs. As I payed for my pizza he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said marry me Juliet.

"Marry me juliet" Harry styles the unicorn asked me.
"I actually go by Julie now. And if you want to marry me you have to join the ab competition with all my other baes" I told him.

He soon ran off, I'm assuming to go to the gym where mysterious stranger 1 and 2 are. Aww so cute. As I enjoyed my fattening pizza without gaining any fat at all, I had this wonderful thought. What if I can marry all of them? Well I don't think that they like to share. Oh well. While I was soon getting bored like any other normal teenage girl I decided to eat some Nutella. I can't believe Nutella isn't popular. I mean it's so delicious. OMG. Since I'm a regular at Starbucks they offered me a job. But I'm not going to take it because in my backyard we have a money tree. You can just pick off any amount of money you want. I got it for my birthday last year. Remember my fashion 101 class, all the peeps in the class are my squad. Like we totally hang and chill together all the time. I miss them so much. We haven't hung out in so long. It's been about 5 hours. I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms. Either that or I'm pregnant. OMG. I think I am. Oh wait never mind. My materials strangers won't give me any. So rude. Well I guess it's time for my beauty nap. I have one everyday. It's not like people are born pretty. They have to sleep to get pretty. Duh.

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