25. 365 days and counting

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narrator's pov.
1 year later.

the worst thing to do is probably to say that a plan is fool-proof, because not one plan can ever really be worked around every fault and every turn of events. this plan definitely wasn't.

it had been 365 days and counting.

nationals had come and gone, and prom and graduation was just around the corner. you and rintarou hadn't spoken since the night that he left your hotel room.

you'd remained friends on instagram, but neither of you had reached out to the other. it's not that you weren't ready to talk, it was that you were scared.

you were both so scared - not of each other, but of the future of your relationship. not one day had passed where rintarou hadn't thought about you, and most days he would rewatch your highlights or reread your earlier messages to get by.

you know what? you did the exact same thing.

you were both so worried about what might happen whenever you did inevitably meet up again that you didn't do anything but stalk silently.

he was the first viewer on every one of your stories.

he was the first to see that you'd grown out and bleached parts of your hair.

he was the first to see that you'd changed up your style, and he was the first to see that you'd started wearing a little bit more makeup.

he was the first to see that you got a new piercing, and he was the first to see your pretty nails after a trip to the nail salon.

he was also the first to see the pictures of you and another guy - a familiar one at that.

it was a photo of you and him sitting next to each other on top of a mountain. your head was leaning on his shoulder.

your caption said something about a run but it didn't say whether or not this was a guy that you were seeing.

he clicked to see who was tagged, and he realised where he'd seen him before.

"w.ushijima" the username read. rintarou was so ready to stalk him, but much to his dismay, his account was private.

one day, he'd been looking at a new friend request on snap and noticed your name, followed by an "in my contacts" message.

rintarou laid on his bed, finger hovering over the add button. "fuck it," he thought.

for a few hours he had forgotten about that, until he got a notification reading "y/n 🧚‍♀️ has added you back. say hi!"

he didn't know what to do, he was too awkward to message you. another notification lit up his screen. "from y/n 🧚‍♀️"

rin started to panic. "what could it say?"

he opened it hesitantly, reading the one-worded message, "hii"

after all this time, all you said was hi? at least you had the pussy to say anything i guess.

the two of you got into a (kind of?) conversation.

y/n 🧚‍♀️



hi suna

hi y/n!




doing okay


doing pretty good

why are you awake

why are you

👎 4am ain't got nothing on me


you better be sleeping now


fax i was but you should've been too

i was

good 👍

great 👍

author's note
thinking of writing a sequel to this after it finishes but i don't really think anyone would be interested yk

as well as a sakusa story maybe?? i have a ton of better ideas that i can't use in this story anymore

[✓] 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 . suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now