27. your mouth tastes like cheetos

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narrator's pov.

everything had gone according to the original plan with the park. you and rintarou were able to make up and come to a decision in which you were both content.

you were getting back together.

"do you remember when you took me here on our first hangout thing?" you reminisced, sitting in the same cafe, on the same table, with the same boy as you were with a year and a half ago.

"we were so weird back then, right? like i was tryna make so many moves on you that day."

you laughed, thinking back and only just now realising how many times he was trying to hint at taking an actual liking to you. "no, i remember i was so awkward and had no idea what to say to you. like i'm pretty sure you were holding my hand after the movie and i was nervous as hell."

"i was holding your hand, i specifically remember doing that and hoping that mine wasn't sweaty."

"those were so much simpler times."

"they really were," he smiled.

you sipped on your drink again but realised that you had finished it. "do you want my drink?" rintarou offered. he had gotten the same order as you.

"it's alright, i'll just order another one."

"just take mine, i'll order another for me."

you sighed, "you order me a drink and i wait for the number to be called, 'kay? pretty sure i'm still a thousand times more patient than you."

"whatever you say," he said, getting up with his wallet and approaching the counter.

hours passed with you doing the same shit you would've done a year ago. seventeen went by so fast, it's crazy to think that you were both technically adults now.

you walked hand in hand towards a quiet gas station near the train. you loved this - dressing up all fancy to do absolutely nothing with the person you're willing to do everything with.

you still love him, and over your break he'd realised that he loves you as well. some part of him already knew that, he was just trying to get his mind to catch up.

rintarou didn't have many great examples of love growing up. shit, his parents were divorced before ami could even speak a full sentence, and even after that they were fighting over the phone about the custody agreements. he promised himself that he would treat his future wife better than his father treated his mom.

but enough of thinking about that, because he was with you. you walked into the gas station and looked to find the aisle with the flaming hot cheetos.

"you know what's the weirdest thing to think about?" he said.

"what is?"

"the fact that your mom never found out. she's so protective of you and all, i'm just surprised she never asked to meet your 'friend' that you were seeing so much."

"speaking of my mom, i wanna tell my her about you soon," you squeezed his hand. "i'll tell my dad first, though."

"i already told my mom about you, she got mad at me when i told her we were on break though."

"she hadn't even met me??"

he grabbed a water bottle and the two of you walked towards the cashier. "i don't know, she's just like that. she said that you reminded her of her, like physically, but i swear i don't have mommy issues."

"30 total, please."

you chose to pay this time. "thank you," you said.

"have a nice night," the worker said.

the two of you sat on the curb outside the gas station car wash (which you weren't sure was your best idea). you rested your head on his shoulder while you ate your cheetos.

"you know what we should've gotten?" you tapped him.

"gas station sushi?"

"no, gross. gas station donuts!!"

he laughed, trying to swallow the water that was in his mouth rather than choke on it. "those are worse than the sushi, y/n. they're either soggy or rock hard because they make new ones like once a week."

"they are not worse, the sushi gets left out all night. what if someone gets salmonella?"

"yeah, i guess you're right."

"when are you gonna realise that i'm always right?" you said, rolling your eyes.

he looked down at you and smiled before pulling you in for a quick kiss.

"your mouth tastes like cheetos," he said.

"no shit, rin" you replied, holding up the bag.

he leaned his head on top of yours, arm slinging around your shoulders. "wanna hear my plan?"

"what's your plan, baby?"

"since i got recruited for EJP, i'm planning on saving to buy a house in tokyo."

"EJP is based in nagano, isn't it?"

"half of the games are probably gonna be in tokyo, and if i get rich i can always buy another house in nagano."

"that's a good plan," you told him, rubbing his knee.

"everyone wants to move to tokyo. 'samu wants to open up a business, atsumu's planning on going pro, and you being you already got early acceptance and a scholarship to study here."

"rin, we'll be able to fuck in a bed instead of the bushes now!"

"we can fuck in our shared bed if you're willing to move in with me after your first year residency? hopefully i can buy a small home for us by then."

you smiled and looked up at him, "are you serious?"

"i'm serious, y/n," he said nervously.

"you wanna move in together?"

"i really do."

you hugged him tightly and kissed all over his face. "this is so exciting!"

"another year and we're there," he smiled into another kiss.

"do i still taste like cheetos?"

"yeah and your mouth is spicy."

author's note
soooo confused because i think i got a hate comment?? 😭

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