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Chapter 5 | "We are going to steal a car"

▪︎Lorenzo Miller ▪︎

Red, blue, purple and green colorful lights flashing as white smoke is all over the place, music overly loud, so loud that I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. People dancing, grinding on each other, making out on the dance floor, on the VIP quarters, on the couches, everywhere really.

Drugs and drinks on the tables, their smell very recognizable, that being the reason my breath is caught in my throat as memories of them doing drugs and drinking again and again, make their way through my mind. As much as, I'm used to it I always have the same reaction, my breath is always caught in my throat. I hate them so much. But they are away, away from me. I'm safe.

With Brianna's hand in mine, I make my way to the the bar stools.

After a few minutes of panicking and cursing with her, we decided that we should come to a club to cool off, to relax a bit. We talked to uncle Ben informing him about our obstacle, telling him that we won't be needing his help anymore -even though he was willing to help us, as always- and lastly we told him where the car will be.

So, here we are now in a club -we found online, close to where the car stopped- to drink a bit, because drinking is always a better way to solve problems, and talk about our next moves.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A blonde young boy with beautiful featur, who I would guess is the bartender, says approaching the bars we are sitting.

"Two whiskeys please" I say, seeing Brianna nod.

"Coming right up." He says, leaving.

I opens my mouth to say something but I am interrupted by Brianna saying, "No, we won't steal a car." My eyes widen, shock written all over my face. What the hell?

"But- Wait- No way you just guessed what I wanted to say. Brianna, do you want to tell me something?" I say, eyeing her suspiciously. Is she a witch or something?

She just chuckles at my shock before saying "No, I don't. You are just predictable."

"Oh please, we both know that I am anything but predictable. Now, under other circumstances I wouldn't let what you slide off like that but I'll do just that now because I like the idea of stealing a car more than arguing with you. So why not? It will be amazing!" I ramble.

"We are not thieves, why steal a car when there are so many cabs."

"Do you seriously want to travel with a cab?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"No, not really." She sighs, "-but it's illegal to steal a car! Plus, think about the owner, they'll be devastated when they find their car missing."

"Firstly, who cares about the owner? Certainly, not me. Secondly, do you have to think of it as stealing? We are just helping ourselves because, even though the owner will start panicking and think their car was stolen, we are simply borrowing it until we go to Seattle. Definitely not stealing it." I say, trying to convince her.

"You can't be serious, Lorenzo. We can't-" She stops mid-sentance as I see the bartender come with our drinks.

"Here are your drinks" He says passing one glass of whiskey to me and one to Brianna, and then proceeds to walk somewhere else.

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