chapter 18

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Misery’s P.O.V

I thought blasé was happy now…I guess I was wrong. After seeing those scars and fresh cuts on his wrists my heart sank in fact…I didn’t even know Blasé had ever cut. It’s been about two weeks since I saw them but I still check his wrists every day to make sure there are no more. I got told the other day by Ryder that Coby likes Dustin. I’ve been keeping a close eye on Coby and Dustin lately and I’ve noticed that whenever Dusting is around Coby he goes a little red and very protective. To be honest I have no idea how their relationship would work but I have a feeling Dustin would be the dominate one.

It was now Wednesday and I was sitting in the lunch room resting my head on Blase’s shoulder while Rosetta stared me down. I have really started to think that maybe she might have a bit of a crush on Blase. I have to admit the thought of that made me extremely jealous but I try to think of other things. The bell rand and Blase, VJ, and I all got up to go to our lockers. I reached my locker, out my bag away, got my books for my next classes and headed for maths. Yesterday we were told that a new girl would b starting today and the principle asked ,e to show her around and let her hang out with me for a bit. I happily agreed only because I’ve been trying to get someone with Justin for quite a while now and she sounds perfect for him. I entered the classroom and saw a girl with faded blonde hair sitting shyly in the seat next to mine. I gave her a welcoming smile and satin my usual spot.

“Hi there, I’m Misery” I introduced myself.

“I-I’m Lanely” she said while shyly looking over at me.

“I was asked to show you around today” I explained with a small smile.

“t-thank you” she smiled at me and then he teacher entered.

I got to know Lanely a bit more and I found out she’s into emo guys which is a huge plus for Justin.

Soon all my classes had ended and I quickly went to my locker and got my bag before heading off to meet Lanely. I found her waiting outside her looking quiet nervous.

“Follow me” I instructed Lanely as we entered the lunch room. All the boys were of course akready there.

“hey guys this is Lanely she’s new” introduce her and they all smiled at her. I saw her relax a bit after that.

“okay Lanely, this is Dustin and Justin they’re twins”

“Hey” they both greeted at the same time.

“That’s Ryder and VJ, they’re dating”

“Hai!!!” VJ said excitedly, startling Lanely.

“Sorry about him…hey” Ryder chuckled.

“That’s Coby and that’s Blase my Boyfriend” they both waved.

Dustin was in on my plan to get Justin with the new girl. He moved over a bit to create space between Justin and himself.

“you can sit here” he Patted the spot he had created. She sat down and thanked him. She and Justin made eye contact. They both blushed and looked away. I high fived Dustin under the table and Blase just rolled his eyes at us.

After school had finished I said goodbye to Lanely and gave her a hug. I decided to go out the back door seeing as the front one was packed with Rosetta’s bitches. I met Blase at his car and gave him a quick kiss before getting in the passenger side. We picked up some drinks on the way home and got straight into out bathers when we got home. We were all swimming…well except for VJ…when Justin got a text. He jumped out of the pool and grabbed his phone.

“Ooooh is it your girlfriend?” Coby teased, meaning Lanely. Justin blushed and sent him a glare.

“Shut up” he whined and sent a text then put his phone down.

Coby’s P.O.V

While we were all swimming I just couldn’t take my eyes off Dustin. He just looked so cute the way he was jumping around splashing everyone. He was just so energetic. I love the way his forehead glistened from the water being splashed back at him and the way his strong arms flexed as he pushed the water. I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see Justin jumping in. Everyone was yelling at me to move and then Justin jumped…right on me. I was that shocked by the sudden impacted and movement that I couldn’t move properly. I started panicking and swallowed a whole heap of water. Before I could even try and calm down I was grabbed and pulled up and out of the water. I gasped and clung to the person holding me. I was carried out of the water and put on my towel which was spread out on the grass. I opened my eyes and came in contact with the worried blue eyes that belonged to Dustin.

“Are you ok Coby?” he asked concerned. I didn’t even respond I just took his face in my hand and kissed him. I felt him tense then relax and kiss back. He held me in a protective embrace. I was honestly on cloud nine.

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