Chapter 24

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So, please look at the picture because its a recap of what everyone looks like (Blase is on the cover) thanks.

Dustin's POV
I did it...I got in...I can't believe it I got in to LNC! I got into my top collage! I read over my approval letter over and over everything is finally going my way, great grades, collage and Cob-crap...Coby. If I go to LNC I'll have to leave Coby and the others. Shit! I sighed and put the letter under my pillow. I got up and headed down stairs. I saw Ryder and Justin playing some violent video game.

"Hey guys" I said walking over to them.

"Hey" they both replied simultaneously.

"Do you know where Coby is?" I asked curiously

"Outside" Justin said way to focused on his game to even bother looking up. I rolled my eyes and walked outside. I looked around and saw Coby sitting on the grass reading his book. I smiled and approached him, I covered his eyes and he flinched a bit.

"Guess who" I chuckled.

"Hmm I wonder" I could tell he was rolling his eyes.

"Aww you're no fun" I whined and removed my hands. I sat down next to him.

"I saw you got a letter from a collage, did you get accepted?" he asked, closing his book and sitting it down. Shit. I was trying to avoid this.

"Nah" I shrugged. Wow great one Dustin.

"You get in the next one, I know it" he assured and gave me a warm smile.

"Yeah, I hope so" I laid back and looked at the sky. Coby didn't want me to apply for LNC mainly because is a 6 hour drive away, I told him I wouldn't but I did anyway, I thought I would never get in but I did and now I don't know what to do. I can't tell him I got in he thinks I didn't even apply. I felt a weight on my chest, I looked down to see Coby resting his head on my chest. I just got him, I don't want to lose him. I ran my fingers through his hair as he played with the hem of my shirt. I closed my eyes and sighed.

Justin's POV

"Sucked in Ryder!" I jumped up doing a little happy dance.

"Yeah, yeah whatever show off" he crossed his arms

"You're just a sore loser" I stuck my tongue out at him like a 5 year old and continued my happy dance.

"Aww poor baby" VJ chuckled coming over to us with Scar, Misery and Blase. I saw Scarlett giggle at me and I blushed.

"Ooooo you blushing" Blase mocked, poking my cheek.

"Shut up" I whined, slapping his hand away. Everyone laughed and I crossed my arms, pouting.

"Aw Justin" Scar walked to me and stood on her tippy toes, kissing my cheek. I smiled at her and picked her up, she squealed as I spun her around.

Misery's POV

I couldn't help but smile and Justin and Scar, they were such a cute couple. I looked at Blase who was smiling at them. He was leaning on the door frame, his sweat pants were hanging loosely around his hips, just showing the waistline of his boxers. He was wearing a black and red flannel over the top of a Greenday tank. It wasn't till after I had finished admiring him that I realised he was watching me with an amused expression. I blushed and smiled at him.

"You look good today" I commented

"I figured cause of the way you were drooling" he pointed out. I frowned in confusion and whipped my chin. I was in fact drooling. Great. "You never cease to amaze me Misery" he chuckled.

"Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes and looked over at the other boys. They were all hanging around and talking to Scar...VJ even made plans to take her to get her hair dyed...he was going to take me. Woah, Misery snap out of it, he's aloud to have other friends. I sighed and noticed Blase had disappeared. I went up to our room and saw him sitting on our bed texting.

"You okay?" I asked closing the door. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Yeah, why?" he got up and put some dirty clothes in the basket. Lately I've noticed his style has changed, it's not really emo anymore its more fuckboy-oh no, oh dear god no. His phone lit up with a Facebook message. Rosetta?! No way.

R: Hope you're liking you're new clothes cutie ;) <3

"Blase why the fuck is she messaging you?! And giving you clothes?!" I nearly screamed.

"Misery calm down it's that like you think" he said calmly.

"Then what is it Blase!" I demanded. "I thought you hated her!"

"I never said I hated her" he said confused.

"Blase what is going on?" I asked starting to get emotional. He sighed and sat next to me.

"Before I met you Rosetta and I dated, we dated since her second day here, then we broke up because she didn't like my friends. I made her promise me to still be friends, which we are. The day before you got here I asked her out again because I missed her, she decided to play the "hard to get card" and said she'll think about it. Then I met you" he stopped to take my hand. "You made everything perfect, you instantly caught my eye and I knew I wanted to be with you. So I called everything off with Rosetta and told her and wasn't interested anymore. That's why she gives us dirty looks because she wants me back but I don't her" he explained.

"But...what about the winky face and heart?" I asked looking at his phone. He opened his phone and showed me the messages. Every message she sent a heart or something like that and he always sent blunt message.

"Did you really think that I would do anything to hurt you?" he asked sounding hurt.

"No, I just got worried and jumped to conclusions, I'm sorry Blase" I looked at him and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"oh and about the clothes, I saw some old photos on your computer of emo guys wearing clothes like this so I thought why not add a little sexiness to your day" he winked "I got Rosetta to get them for me cause I'm a pussy" he chuckled. I laughed and smiled at him.

"I love them, but not as much as the normal you" he smiled and leant in, catching my lips in a sweet kiss.

Dustin's POV

"Night guys" I said to everyone as I got up from the couch. They all said goodnight and I climbed up stairs to my room. I flopped on my bed and pulled out the LNC letter. I sighed as I read over it again. I pulled out a un opened envelope from a few days ago. Kings Collage, two minutes from home, where Coby is going, and my last pick for collage. I opened the envelope and yep, accepted. I sighed and dropped the letter in my draw, closing it. I put the LNC letter back under my pillow and the covers over me. What am I going to do?

Well damn...its been awhile sorry about that people. I kinda stopped because I didn't think people were interested anymore but I guess some are so I will continue this book. Updates might be a bit late but not like they have been because I do have school and now a part time job so I have a lot on my plate but I will try to update once a week. Thanks guys c:

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