Chapter III wow

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There's this thing, called the spotlight effect. It basically dictates that people don't care about you as much as you think they do. Remember that embarrassing story from a while back that keeps you up at night? I bet nobody remembers it. Try and think of a really embarrassing situation that happened to somebody a bit ago. It's harder than you think.

Anyway, this spotlight effect comes into play a lot in my life.

It's quite depressing, having nobody think of you enough to notice, and they all die after a while anyway. These last two hundred years have felt like a blur.

In the 2030's, scientists thought they found both immortality and resurrection in one elixir. They thought it could grant you eternal life, and therefore resurrection from any situation, by repairing your cells quicker than they can be destroyed. Turns out the concoction can resurrect you just about the same as defibrillators can, maybe with a slightly higher success rate. Then, you go on to live anywhere from three months to (in rare cases) five years. After that, your cells grow cancerous, with a new type of cancer called Deconstruction cancer. It'll sort of rearrange your body parts in different ways, morphing them in horrible amalgamations. Eventually, the regeneration effect will slow down, and your bones, flesh, and muscle start to tire, like plastic, when you bend it enough. Your bones bend in ways they shouldn't, and eventually rip apart, and your skin simply falls away from your face. Too loose to stick. The healing factor loses its charm. It just isn't strong enough to completely heal you, just slow your death down to an agonising experience.

I can only picture the testers, having research done on animals, thinking it's safe, and rolling them out to the public, and hospitals. Only to find that they create a mass death, worse than the Spanish Flu, worse than the Black Plague, with an estimated 150,000,000 deaths globally.

We as a society recovered though, and we carry on as if nothing happened, the same as before. Nobody who experienced it lives anymore, the last to die a few years ago. Or so they think.

I've been through so many tragedies, you'd think I'd be numb to it all. It always surprises me though.

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