Chapter 1.

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You invited your boyfriend to come over and stay the night. You chose to put on some comfy shorts and a baggie shirt. You were excited since you've wanted him to come over for a while since he's always been busy with sports.

//time skip//

You opened the door with a smile and let him in. "Hey! I'm glad you could come over..!" He pushed the door closed and kissed your cheek. "Yeah.. I've been real busy but i had my timetable arranged so i could come over." You smiled. "Come on then.. Lets go watch a movie."

You dragged him by his hand and brought him to your room. He chuckled. "Jeez.. No need to rush..! Damn.." He walked over to your bed and flopped himself on it. "Lets watch a scary movie." You said. You grabbed the remote and threw it at his head. "Choose one while i make popcorn."
"Ouch.. You didn't have to throw it.. Ok then."

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