❤Finally updating for you guys! WARNING SEXUAL CONTENT❤

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Jeff's p.o.v

I woke up and I couldn't see anything.
I tried to move but I think I was tied to a chair. " You're finally awake." a familiar voice said.
" Mhhhmgm" that was all that came out because it was muffled.She/he took my blindfold off and I saw Sally there looking devious.She walked up to me and took all of my clothes off.
" Woah, you have a bigger d**k than I thought you would, its like 10 inches!" Sally said surprised. "Uhh, thanks I guess?" I said kind of awkwardly.She took her clothes off then her bra and panties.Her nah-nahs are bigger than what you would think they would be.I looked away. She came closer to me and made me look.I kinda got a boner because this was my fantasy, but with a different girl. " your d**k is even bigger when you get a boner!" Sally said even more surprised. She climbed on top of my lap and put it in.It kind of felt good." ohhh Jeffery Woods you're sooo good!!" Sally said while humping the sh*t out of me. I admit it was good but I don't want this to happen with her I want it with Violet! This went on for what it seemed like forever but only 1 hour.

Sally's p.o.v

Jeff was so good. I can't believe he didnt scream for help or anything. I am totally going to tell Violet about this. She will never want to talk to him or see him ever again.I cut Jeff and made it look like it was a robber or something and tell Violet he willingly had sex with me.

Authors note

Sorry I turned this chapter into porn lol so this was just a filler the next chapter will be much longer.

Keep calm and read on


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