The birth of Firoza

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Few years passed by and soon it was the year 1296 which was a special and memorable one in the kingdom of Surkanda.

That day sky was filled with a light shade of orange colour and cool winds began to blow as though even the sky was waiting for the birth of the baby whose name would always be taken in history with respect.

    Soon , the dasi came to give a good news to the king and the King Muhammad Mirza was unusually joyous and excited as his beloved wife Mariyam had given birth to a beautiful princess.

As the king took the baby in his hands , he could feel that he was being filled with positivity from inside and his happiness knew no bounds , seeing the girl whose face was as round as the moon , eyes like lotus , button nose , pink lips and her face fairer than milk whose cry turned into a gentle smile as soon the king took her in his hands. The king thought that in future she would be the most beautiful princess of the world and all the princes would go head over heels to marry her.

The King named her  "Firoza". The king and the queen prayed to allah for the well being of their new born princess and  The auspicious day was celebrated in entire kingdom with double enthusiasm and sweets , rice , new clothes etc. were distributed to all the people of the kingdom and the king had decided to celebrate the day every year by organising a grand mela , where there would different stalls of handicrafts , toys , new clothes , jewellery , various competitions and lavish dinner.

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