Maldev recieves marriage proposal

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Then , Firoza went to her father and told him , that she loved Maldev and thus requested him to persuade Maldev to marry her. Mirza's blood boiled after hearing this , he was going mad with anger that his daughter wanted to marry a person who was his enemy's son. He burst out and asked her how did she even dared to think of marrying a Hindu. He continued ,  by scolding her that he should have married her off , like most of the fathers , so that he didn't had to see a day , when his daughter would wish to marry a man of another religion. Losing his cool even more , he screamed at Firoza to just go to her chambers. A grief-stricken Firoza went back to her chambers , and tears rolled down her eyes ,  which was immediately noticed by Saleema and thus she went to Firoza and told her that , that was the reason why she had instructed her to forget Maldev. Firoza then , placed her head on Saleema's shoulders  and told her that she loved him from the bottom of the heart , and that it wasn't easy for her to forget him. Saleema held Firoza's shoulders gently and moved her back , wiping her tears and told her that it was not easy for the king too to fulfill her wish but Firoza told her that she was still adamant on marrying Maldev or she would remain unmarried throughout her life.

      After regaining his cool , Mirza thought for a while ,  regarding Firoza's marriage with Maldev and sent a maid to call Firoza to his chambers.
Firoza was a bit shocked to hear that her father wanted to see her , as she expected him to not speak to her for atleast a week , by the way he was angry at her , that morning , but  without wasting any time , she went to her father and greeted him and Mirza told Firoza ,  with a smile on his face , to be seated. As soon as Firoza was seated , Mirza told Firoza that after a deep thinking , he felt that nothing was more precious to him than his dear daughter's happiness and thus he would definitely try to persuade Maldev to marry her.

      But his inner motive was that , if Maldev marries Firoza , then whole Hindustan would be in his control as then , even Jaydev would have to maintain friendly relations with him.

      Hearing this , Firoza was overjoyed and kissed her father's hand gently and thanked him , and then went back to her chambers after taking permission from her father. She then rushed to Saleema to tell her the good news. Though Saleema was very happy for Firoza , she had a slight doubt if Maldev would agree to the king's proposal but she didn't speak about it to Firoza as she didn't want to spoil her happiness.
          The next day , Mirza wrote a marriage proposal to King Jaydev requesting him to marry his son Maldev ,  to his daughter Firoza but he laid one condition for marrying her , that Maldev had to follow Islam inorder to marry Firoza. This proposal was taken by his messanger along with sweets , ornaments , horses etc , and this proposal was read in Jaydev's court and Raja Jaydev looked at Maldev for an answer to the proposal after the messanger had finished reading. Then Maldev stood up and announced that he would never ever marry a woman of another religion and bring disgrace to his kingdom and his kula. He also told that , he was born as a Rajput and he shall remain Rajput till his death and that he would never follow Islam. Hearing this the entire court cheered for yuvraj's great thinking and clapped for him. Then , the disappointed messanger of Mirza returned to Surkanda along with the gifts that Mirza had sent for Jaydev.
King Mirza was so furious to hear that  Maldev had denied his proposal , that he slapped the messanger , unable to control his anger. He didn't find any other way other than another war to take revenge. He was frustrated by his series of failures to kill Jaydev and Maldev . So , Mirza decided to attack Suvarnagiri again and this time , he didn't want to live on the mercy of Jaydev and hence , he decided to return to Surkanda , only after killing Jaydev in war or be killed in war. Thinking thus , he sent for his commander to discuss the war strategy and soon the word spread in the entire fort that the king was planning to attack Suvarnagiri again. This time Firoza was sad to hear it , she didn't want her father to attack Suvarnagiri , but she didn't dare to request anything to her father again and also she was a bit sure that he wouldn't listen to hear this time but would rather get mad at her.

   Not knowing , what she could do to stop the war from happening , Firoza told Saleema to go to Suvarnagiri on her behalf and tell Maldev , how much she loves him and how much she longs to be his wife. Though Saleema was very much sure that Maldev wouldn't agree to her , she promised Firoza that she would only return to the kingdom with Maldev and thus proceeded towards Suvarnagiri.

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