Your Name

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"I don't wanna adult todayyyyy ugh!" I lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling fan. Sometimes I wish I was a rock, all it does is sit there. No one expects it to do anything, it doesn't have to pay bills, clean or brush its teeth. My phone dings. I search for it with my hand without taking my eyes off of the ceiling. It's 2pm but I'm taken aback by the notification *someone wants to meet you* from tinder. "Ugh." I toss my phone across the bed. Tinder was my sister's idea, I'm not into dating apps; way too many creeps on there. I drag my body in an upward position with a long drawn out sigh. Inhale. Exhale. I stare blankly at the cherrywood floor. Coffee, coffee is the answer. I stare ahead at my bathroom, so far away. My phone dings again. "For the love of god.." I get up and head to the bathroom to escape the thought of dating again. "Get it together y/n. It's not that bad." I try to convince myself in the mirror. "Just another day being me." I glide my fingers through my messy dark brown hair.

"You're so stubborn and close minded dude." My sister complains on speaker phone. I pour coffee into my mug. "Or maybe the guys on that app is just creepy I don't know ," I snap back sarcastically. "You're never gonna meet someone If you think every guy is a creep y/n." "I don't think every guy is a creep.." I shake my coffee creamer. "It's just.. everyone knows that tinder is basically a hookup app." "YOU NEED A HOOKUP! The hell" she laughs. "You and Ashley are so annoying", I mix my coffee and lean on the island. "It's true! You're sexually frustrated. Sex boosts your mood. It releases serotonin.. or whatever." I sigh.. and look at my phone. "Ok, I'm going to read you the intros I get on tinder and we'll see how much serotonin I release." I roll my eyes and open tinder. "They're probably not that bad. You exaggerate a lot." "Oh the first one: hey babe, I seen your profile and I would love to get to know you and eat you- oh I mean treat you." I almost gag. My sister cackles, "oh noooo not the eat treat line!" "Oh here's another one.." I interrupt her laughter, "you have nice legs. They'd look great on my shoulders. EXCUSE ME?!" My sister is practically on the floor because her laughter is growing distant. "I'm so glad that you find this hilarious." I drink my coffee as I shake my head in shame. "Listen sis, it's ok. Yes tinder is known for hooking up but you'll find someone out there that's worth your time." She convinces. I think back to last night, I wouldn't mind if he — I straighten my posture with an idea, "hey I gotta go. Love ya" I hang up immediately. I wonder if he visits there often, I'm gonna go for dinner. It's been a while since I took myself out anyways and I think my sister and ash would be proud of me for doing something by myself again. I take one last sip of my coffee and rush upstairs to my room.

"I definitely need to go shopping." I huff sitting on the floor in a hurricane of clothes surrounding me. I stare into my standing mirror on my closet door. Oh what the hell am I doing? Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't do this, I start to lose motivation. What if I get all done up and he doesn't show? Once again, I'll be putting in effort for someone who doesn't care. "Why am I like this", questioning myself, I hear a familiar ding from tinder again. My sister's voice replays in my head, "you're so stubborn and close minded.." I sit up. I have to make this work, I'm going to do this. I stand up, fix my t shirt and head to the shower.

"Here goes nothing" I sigh as I walk towards the glass door. My body overflows with anxiousness and the chills come back as I touch the door handle reminiscing the warmth of his presence on my back and the light smell of vanilla and mahogany. It's just a man, he's not a god or whatever... but he is an angel. I smile to myself and head inside. Once again, I'm greeted by the same host as last night. "Hi, welcome back. Just one tonight?" "Uh yea .. yea. But I would like a seat by the door if possible." I say looking around for that familiar face. "Yea sure follow me", the host grabs a menu and leads me to a candle lit table. The restaurant scenery is immaculate compared to others I've been to. There's dim blue and fluorescent white LED lights on the bar and little dim white lanterns on each stair leading up to the balcony. The ceiling is also lit in dim LED Lights. "So beautiful.." I didn't notice I spoke out loud until the host responded with "I'm glad you like it. Here we are, a server will be with you in a minute." I smile warmly and sit, "thank you", she smiles again before leaving. Oh my god, I never actually studied how beautiful it is here, simply because my eyes were blinded by that gorgeous specimen. "Hi, my name is Jungwoo, I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?" "Yes, I would like this pink moscato please," I point to the picture on the menu as I pull my ID out of my purse. "Are you sure you're old enough?" He jokes, I notice his face turns a bright red. Aw, he seems embarrassed. I chuckle and hand him my ID, "yes I'm old enough". He hands my ID back to me, "I will be back with your wine ma'am." He gives an awkward smile and heads to the bar.

I've been here for over an hour now, and he hasn't shown. I've barely touched my food and I'm kinda cold; this black cocktail dress wasn't the best idea for tonight. Sigh, I slump back in my chair. I was really hoping to see him again, I would definitely say something this time around. "Can I get you anything else maam?" My server Jungwoo appears again with his bright smile from ear to ear and white hair falling over his forehead. "Umm yea I would like the bill please." I say as I dart my eyes to the door every time I see the reflection of it opening. "No problem", he gathers my plates and walks away. My phone rings. It's Ash. "Hello?" I say knowing she's gonna notice the background noise and ask where I am. "Yes I'm out, yes I'm out by myself." I stop her before she could get the where are you out of her mouth. "WHAAAT? Is hell freezing over? Is this the end of days?" She's so extra. "No, I just wanted to go out.." I lie. "Uh huh... anyways, I did stop by your house because I thought we could have a girl's Netflix and chill night with your favorite snacks BUTTT you're not even here sooo.." the server brings my bill over and I unintentionally slap my card on the receipt. "No.. stay there. I'll be there in 30 minutes. I'm paying for my meal now." I write a tip on my receipt as he swipes my card and gives it back to me. "Ok I'll wait. Hurry up slut." she laughs. "Ok whore." I get up and leave my server with smile and a quiet "thank you". As I'm heading towards the door, I get another call from a familiar number; dammit, it's Chris. I stumble forward but I'm knocked out of my distraction when I run into a tall figure. "I'm so— sor..ry", I look up and see him. My entire body sets on fire. "It's ok," he gives me a bright smile that lights up his face enough to see his rosy cheeks. His stature is intimidating but his facial features are angelic. How is that possible? His eyes dark but sincere and his jet black hair is neatly curled with a slight undercut. I try to study more of him but I'm interrupted by an agitated voice, "excuse me.." a woman behind me is eager get through the door I'm blocking. "Oh sorry sorry" I head outside looking behind me as he walks in. Say something to him. Ask him his name. SAY SOMETHING. I stare at his back through the glass door as he speaks to the host. A wave of anxiousness falls over me and my stomach fills with butterflies. I watch him walk away in the same direction as the table I sat at. It's no use, "shit! I did it again", I exhale annoyingly and walk towards my car mentally cursing myself out. "Hey! Y/n!" I turn around to see him rushing towards me with something in his hand. Am I hallucinating? " You dropped this.." he had my ID in his hand. I could feel my face heat up, "oh crap. Thank you." I smile to him, gently taking my card from him. Now is the time y/n, ask him his name. "Hey ummm I didn't get your n-name," I stutter out. "Oh uhh, Yunho", his ears turn bright red. IS HE BLUSHING, AT ME? He takes his large, warms hands and covers mine with them, "nice to meet you y/n", with a smile and a bow. His hands look strong with veins that protrude through his vanilla colored skin but yet they're smooth as silk and soft. "Nice to meet you too.. yunho" I look up at him with heart eyes. My phone rings and pulls me out of the spell.. "I-I have to go." He releases my hand, "see you around", and he walks back towards the restaurant. Most definitely, Yunho.

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