Right here

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Yunho. Ahh, it fits him so well, I don't know how but it does. The moonlight lit up my room through the window. Should I find him on Instagram and ask him out? Nah that's creepy. Why would I ask him out anyways? Isn't the guy supposed to ask the girl out? Ah, fuck gender roles. Sigh. I turn my lock screen on and see 2 missed calls from Chris's number. Hard eye roll. What the fuck could he want? We aren't friends, so why is he calling me like we're cool? I glance at the time, it's 2:13am. I need to sleep.

The next morning:

"Just great." I toss the coffee pod box in the trash, I'm out of coffee. I knew it was something I was supposed to do yesterday. I'm a complete train wreck if I don't have my coffee. "Cafe it is." I head back upstairs to get dressed when I hear my phone ring. I look over the ledge to see it's Chris's number again. What the fuck does he want? I hesitantly walk down the stairs hoping the ringing would stop by the time I reach my phone, it doesn't. "Hello?" I say in a annoyed tone. "Hey, uh.. I wow.. you actually picked up this time, you have a minute to talk?" I do but not for you. "What do you want Chris?" I walk upstairs to my room. "Umm well, I miss you y/n and I know I left you with a broken heart and all but I miss you—." I cackle, "I gotta go, please stop calling me", I hang up on him. I'm finally getting myself back piece by piece and here he comes. I block his number, toss my phone on the bed and grab my towel with a smile on my face. I remember back when I felt like I couldn't live without him, and now here I am, with my own place, living without him. Some days are hard but it's not hard enough for me to go back to him. I like this version of me.

"Hi, good morning, I would like an blonde vanilla latte with whipped cream please,". "Name please," the cashier asks with a smile as she sweeps her pink hair on her shoulder. "Y/n". She rings me up and I pay for my coffee and go to sit on the patio. It's pretty cool out this morning, it's giving autumn breeze. Weather like this is good for my mood, and my wardrobe. Earth toned oversized sweaters, ankle boots and leggings are my aesthetic; I'm a pretty simple girl. I open my laptop and scroll to get some work done on the interior design project I'm working on. I should've finished it 3 days ago but you know.. procrastination. My phone rings and something inside me hopes it's not who I think it is. Even though I blocked his number, that asshole will find a way to contact me. I glance over and it's my coworker; perfect. "Hey Carla, glad you called because I'm stuck on this project and I could really use your input." I rest my face on my hand. "Hey y/n well don't worry about that because I have good news. The client backed out. Evidently, she's having financial troubles due to her divorce so, we're going to put a brief hold on it and move on to the next project for next month." I let out a sigh of relief and throw my head back on the chair, "Ho-ly. Ok so when do we start the next project?" "That's TBA. But we'll get an email once it's decided. Just a heads up, I have to go, I'm late for my appointment." "Ok, thanks Carla! Bye" I hang up and close my laptop and lay my head down on it. Thank goodness, the deadline was literally next week. "Y/n..", I hear a gentle but deep voice call my name. Oh shit my coffee, I shoot my head up to be met with familiar eyes. "Hi, here's your latte," he sits it in front of me with a smile. He's in an apron, with a name tag and his mask tucked under his chin. He has to be an angel because the once hidden sun radiated on his face and gave him a golden glow. "I seen your name and I had to come and say hi." He chuckles. "I-.." I can't speak. Oh god please, not now.. not like this. He places his hand on the chair in front of me, "may I sit?" I nod my head because.. what is English? My hands are starting to sweat and my leg is powering up to full speed from nervousness. "You ok?" No, I'm having an outer body experience. "Uh- yea I'm fine. Sorry, I'm just having a weird morning" I lie. I'm pretty sure my face is spilling the truth. I sip my latte. Ahhh.. maybe this will help me loosen up. "It's odd how we keep bumping into eachother," he chuckles and looks at me as if he's looking for a response. I DON'T HAVE ONE. "Mm." I sip my latte again. He looks around at the people walking by, "you come here often?" He fidgets with straws on the table. Am I making this awkward? Y/n just speak, you're losing him. "Yea I do, this is my first time seeing you here actually," I make sure not to make eye contact with him, I'm pretty sure my heart would fall to my ass at this point. He leans back in the chair and gives a soft smile, "yea, I just started here 2 days ago. I moved here this past weekend for work." Work? Is this not work? "You have 2 jobs?" I sip more of my latte, it's helping. He glances at me, "I'm dancer. Well choreographer." That's so hot. "Niceee, do you practice with idols?" I take a look at him when he's looking towards the sunlight. His eyes are chestnut brown, this man- "sometimes I do, I work at the KQ building if you ever wanna visit me one night". I let out a trembled and anxious "huh?" He laughs, "that's if you want to. No pressure." He pulls out his phone and looks at it. His hands- his fingers are long and clean. The veins in his forearms vine up to his hands ... I'm about to cu— "so what do you do for work?" He puts his phone on the table and scoots his chair closer to the table. I lean back, the heat from my body right now will turn this cool morning into a summer day at the beach. "I do interior design." I look down fidgeting with my bracelet. "That's cool, I bet your place is beautiful." What is he hinting at? I give a soft chuckle, "it's .. a work in progress." Like me. "They say your home is a reflection of you.." he smiles up to me. I glitch and shakily grab my latte to sip. Was that a compliment? So smooth, this guy. "Sorry, that was cringe." He leans his head back on the chair, his ears are on fire from embarrassment. "No it's- it's ok." So focused on him, I miss my mouth on my coffee and spill it all over my shirt. "SHIT!" I scoot back in a hurry. He stands up in a hurry and grabs the napkins off of the table next to us. "You didn't burn yourself did you?" He hands me napkins. "No I'm ok. I'm so sorry! This is embarrassing!" I want to die. There's cream and coffee all over my sweater and leggings. "It's ok, here let me." He squats down in front of me and wipes my lap off. My heart is beating like the jumanji drums. I wipe the whipped cream off of my sweater. He stands up, "be right back." He runs inside the cafe. God, this is horrible. I've never been this embarrassed before.

He returns with a hoodie in his hand. "Here you can wear this." I refuse. "No I can't.." YES I CAN. A hoodie? HIS hoodie? "Come on, take it. I have a lot more at home. I can sacrifice one." He stands in front me looking down with sincere eyes. I take the hoodie and head to the bathroom. I walk into the stall and freak out. Omg, I can't believe this. I smell like vanilla latte.. which isn't a bad thing I guess but it's his fault for being so damn fine. I take my sweater off and put his hoodie on. It smells heavenly. His cologne mixed with the laundry detergent he uses, gain? It smells so clean and orgasmic. I stand smelling the sleeve for a minute more. I've never been given a hoodie from a guy before, so this is definitely a win. I step out, and look in the mirror. It's almost to my knees because he's so tall. I chuckle, wash my hands then head back to the patio to him waiting patiently. He looks over at me and smiles, "nice. It's perfect" "it's so long" I show him with my sweater paws. "It's cute." I sit in front of him. Silence. "Hey would you like to go to dinner sometime?"

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