Deja Vu

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It's been 3 days since the Chris situation and yunho still hasn't returned my texts or calls. Everything in me is trying to hold back from thinking he doesn't want to see me again. The day it happened, I went to Chris's job and beat his ass with the roses he gave me and told him to never contact or find me again or I'll call the police on him for harassment. I was escorted out of the building but with my head held high. I guess he got the message because I haven't received any voicemails from him. I've been trying to be patient with yunho, maybe he needs space but I miss him. Everything was going great and I don't want to lose that. "I need to go find him," I say to my sister over the phone. "Go get him girl. Don't just sit and wait. Maybe he's waiting for you to put forth the effort to reach out to him." She's right, if you want something bad enough, you fight for it. "You're right. I'm gonna go to his job and see if he's working today. Thanks sis." She ends with "anytime. Love you." "I love you too." I say then hang up. I have to find him and show him it's not what he thinks it is. I can't let this go.

I pull up to the cafe and see an employee outside wiping the tables. I get out of my car, "hey! Hi.." he looks scared at first but then he smiles, "hi how are you?" Not good to be honest. "I'm fine, hey is yunho here? Jeong yunho?" He gives me a puzzled look, "sorry ma'am I just started here yesterday. I don't know who that is. Maybe someone inside can help you." Right. "Ok thanks", I head inside and see the cashier that rang up my latte on the day yunho and I sat together. "Hey! Is yunho here?" She gives a welcoming smile, "hi. Uhhh he hasn't been here in a couple days. Maybe he's off. Let me check the schedule." She runs to the back. I look down at my phone expecting a missed call or text from him: nothing. She comes back with a pout on her face, "sorry he's off. Have you tried to call him? Is everything ok?" "Yes everything is fine, I .. just wanted to surprise him with lunch. Thank you!" I wave and leave to get in my car. Sigh. I sit and lean my head back on my seat, "where are you?" Then it hits me, the KQ building. I've never been there to see him dance yet, he's bound to be there.

Yunho POV:
"Step to the right and boom boom stomp! Niceee!" I clap for my dancers. I've been off from the cafe for the past two days and working here at the agency training backup dancers for a major kpop group video. "Let's take it from the top!" I'm extremely tired but anything to distract me from thinking about y/n and her ex. I'm kind of getting over it but it's hard at night when she's calling or texting. I ignore it for my own emotional sanity because this is all too familiar. I do miss her though; her touch, her beautiful smile, the way her eyes twinkle when she looks at me, I can't get over her that easy. Matter of fact, I don't think I want to.

Y/n POV:
I enter the KQ building and see no one at the front desk so I trust my instincts and go to the elevator. "Most things start on the 2nd floor". I hit 2 and wait, twirling my phone in my hand from anxiety. The doors open and I see a sign that says "practice room" and I look through the glass. There's no one there. Should I go in and wait? What if he's not here either? Oh what the hell, I don't have anything else to do. I'll wait for an hour. I open the door and walk in. It's bigger than I thought, the front of the room has a wall of mirrors so dancers can see how they practice. I sit by a stack of chairs and scroll through my phone to look at his Instagram. He hasn't posted today. I guess I'll just wait then, I refuse to leave until I talk to someone.

1 hour later:

The dancers enter the room talking amongst themselves and is surprised by my presence. "Uh hi.. you here for someone?" one of the guy dancers ask. They look like they just finished practicing... oh shit am I in the wrong room? "Yea.. yea," I stand up, "is yunho here?" Oh god, please. "Yea he's headed out to his car now." I don't give the guy time to ask why before I rush out of the door to the elevator. For once in my life, I feel good about someone and I'm not letting him leave without knowing that. I rush out of the entrance to see him getting in his car. I run up to the passenger side and tap on the window, "Yunho.." he looks over at me and smiles in disbelief. "Please ?" I beg. He rolls the window down, "What are you doing here?" he asks coldly. "Yunho, why are you acting like this? Like I did something wrong? Why not just talk to me?" I plead to him. He says nothing. I can see the hint of sadness on his face and it hits me right in the heart, "Yunho.. baby. Come on.. don't shut down on me. It's not what you think it is. I'm done with Chris. You have to believe me." I'm out here with my head through this man's window, pleading with him to hear me out, can you say sprung? Nah, not sprung, but aware of what I have. He sighs, "Ok let's talk, but at my place? Where's your car?" I point to the left. He nods, "follow me to my place and we'll talk." I take off to my car and wait for him to leave so I can follow.

We get inside of his apartment and I immediately start to spill at his back while we take our shoes off. "Yunho, I don't know why he showed up to my house. I don't even know how he got my address. But I handled it. I went to his job and beat his ass with those roses and told him to never contact me or —" He turns around and puts his finger on my lips with a "shhh". I'm thrown off by his sudden gesture. "Don't you want an explanation?" He walks to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of Soju out of the fridge. "I want to know do you still love him?" I can't believe he just asked me that after I just told him— "what? No. Hell no. I don't. I don't want him.. he hurt me to the point of no return. Why would you even ask that?" I'm starting to get emotional because even though he's not visibly upset, he's kind of giving me a cold shoulder. He walks around the counter and leans against it looking at me stand still at the door. The silence is so loud. "Do you have trust issues?" I ask in a gentle tone. He goes to sit on the couch, "I do. This has happened to me before." I walk around and sit next to him, "you think I'm like any of the girls you've dated?" I search his face with my eyes for an answer. He looks over at me, "no, I just don't want to go through that again, so I ran. I needed to get away before it happened. You and him have history." He turns from me and drinks his soju. I frown and take it from him to sit it on the floor. "Yunho," I take his hand in mine, "I've been more happier in the 1 month I've known you than in the 2 years me and him dated. I don't wanna mess this up." He gives me a soft smile and traces my finger with his thumb, "I'm sorry." he sits up and kisses my lips. I look him in his eyes, "I'm happy with you," I stroke his hair, "you make me happy." Our kisses start off clean but deepen as he lays me back on the couch. "I missed you so much y/n." He kisses my neck. Ah shit, the jumanji drums are pounding between my legs. "I love you." Wait. What? I open my eyes suddenly, "w-what did you just say?" He meets my face nose to nose, "I love you y/n." Fireworks, confetti, butterflies, stars.. I see it all at this moment. An overwhelming amount of happiness and love fills my heart and I say with honest eyes, "I love you too". He chuckles and lifts my thigh to his waist while drowning me in passion from his wandering tongue on mine. In the midst of us making out, my stomach growls loudly. He stops and laughs into my neck, "hungry?" I cover my face, "yes.." how embarrassing, it be your own body. "I'll make us dinner. Whatever you like, I'm your chef tonight." He gets up and heads to the kitchen. I watch him and smile, finally someone here to stay.

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