7. More than best friends

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Elora Hall

My nervousness began, luckily the owner of the very motorcycle wasn't present. This was my chance to sprint out of the car.

Why did Carter make me nervous? Only god knows why, those forest green eyes seemed to be reading into my soul. His gruff voice, made me want to run in the opposite direction. His tall and brawny physique could crush me in an instant. Snap out of it! I hadn't done anything to piss him off. I shouldn't be scared. Just steer clear of Carter. Simple! I still remembered his clenched jaw and furious eyes at the guy who threw the ball my way.

"Thanks for the ride Josh, see ya!" I gathered my bag.

"No problem El-" Josh's words were cut short when someone began to loudly tap on the driver's seat window. "Fuck!" He jumped.

"Josh! About time man... hey Ashley!" The guy spoke. He's been part of this group, I've noticed that every time I walked past them.
"Wow whose this?" He raised his eyebrows at me.
"My best friend." Ashley rolled her eyes at him. "C'mon Elle." She opened her door to get out.

Before I could open mine, it flew open. And a figure crouched down to get in. I gasped as I came face to face with Carter. My hands hugged my backpack.

His eyes widened in shock before he narrowed it down at me.

"Elle, are you coming?" Ashley's voice, broke our stare off. Oh dear, she had left the car already. There was someone seated at the front passenger seat, while another guy sat on my right. All of them including Josh, stared at Carter and I. How long have we been looking at each other?

"C- coming." My voice came out as a little squeal. I bit my lip waiting for Carter to move.

He stepped back, holding the door for me. "Watch your step." He spoke while I got out. Completely tongue tied, I nodded at his words and sped walked to Ashley.


"They're bunking as usual." Ash huffed, talking about Josh who drove off with his friends.

"As usual?"

"Yeah, to puff a cigarette, or do god knows what!" She shrugged. "Carter and you had a funny stare off." Ashley giggled.

"That was anything but funny. Stop!" I swatted her hand away.

"Don't be like that Elle!" She pulled me in again. "You looked at Carter like he grew ten heads." I groaned, but she wasn't wrong. His presence had me shocked.

"And Carter seemed to have been in some dreamy daze with you." Ashley laughed.

"Carter?" Izzy's voice was heard from behind us. "What about him?" His usual cool self wasn't present today, instead he looked tensed.

"Good morning to you too Izzy." I tried to lighten his mood.

He sighed with a small smile. "Elora, did Carter do something?" Izzy seemed to ask casually, but it still was strained.

"No, I kinda bumped into him. Josh gave us a ride today." I informed.

He shook his head at me. "You refused every time I asked and now you accept Josh to pick you up?"

Ashley cleared her throat, "we" she held me by the shoulder. "We are best friends Zee. We could be doing anything and you can't question us."

Izzy smirked at her challengingly. "I know." His eyes shifted to me. "Soon we'll be more than best friends. Right cupcake?" My eyes widened, what was he trying to say?

Ashley seemed to have been stunned for a moment too, but she recovered before me. "Pfft, if you're trying to make me jealous, you gotta try harder." She pulled me by the hand, and we walked away from a smug looking Izzy.

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