Home Away from Home

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          *Hi Every one! This is just a cute little story of peso feeling home sick and scared the captain and the crew will help him feel right at home. Hope you all enjoy*

                                       Captain : 31

                                     Kwazii : 17 or 18

                                    Peso : I'll say he looks about 10

                                 Shellington and Dashi : 20

                                Tweak : 25

                                Inkling : 49

                              Turnip and the Vegimals : Unknown


                        It's been a week since the Octonauts first met. Everyone was so eager to get to know one another. Everyone except for one. 

                           During their first meeting Peso did his best to hide his tears. But everyone knew something was bothering the little penguin.

                            "Peso?... What's the matter?" Dashi spoke up.

                           "I-I-It's... n-nothing... " Peso struggled to answer.

                          "C-mon lil matey..." Kwazii urge gently not wanting to scare the little penguin.

                           "We're a team Peso. We look out for one another." The Captain reassured.

                             "I-It's j-just th-that I-I'm A little homesick and I-It's scary being so far from home." Peso answered.

                            "Aye it's ok lil matey. To tell ye the truth me be feelin a wee home sick to." kwazii assured then added "Me be thinkin ye whole crew be feelin  a wee home sick."

                       Everyone nod in agreement making Peso feel safer but still a little worried.

                         "Let me tell ye what. Why don't all me maties tell tales of yer best memorys" Kwazii suggested 

                         And that was what they did and Peso felt right at home. In his home away from home.


Hope everyone liked my first chapter of my first fanfic. 

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