chapter 4

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Ritsu, after much and much of begging, convinced Killua to go hangout with the class. Of course, they had also come up with a plan so Alluka didn't have to be alone during the time.

"My sister's back in town, she can watch Alluka" Rio Nakamura suggested. Killua really had no choice but to agree.

And so, now he's walking around a shopping complex with half of his classmates. "Maybe we can go get matching bracelets!" A girl with blonde hair suggested. "Yes! We would be so cute!!" A green hair girl said. Killua was somewhere near the back of the group, a light blue haired boy walked beside him. Or..was it a girl? He's pretty sure they're a guy since people would call them using he/him pronouns.

"Don't worry about them" he said a casually. "They're always like this" he chuckled. Killua gave a soft smile back to the boy, "My name's Nagisa, by the way" the blue haired pig-tail guy said.

Wow that's a weird sentence.

Anyways, Killua just continued, "Yeah, i expected as much. And I'm not really bothered by them..just...I'm worried about my little sister. I left her at her friends house, and while i now she's capable..its just how her friends will react" Killua sighed. Nagisa looked back at him and frowned. "Hey! Killua and I are gonna go head to the boba stand if anyone wants anything text us!" Nagisa called out. The group nodded, some 'okays' and 'i wanna...' were heard. But that was all.

"Okay, sorry, what were you saying?" Nagisa asked. Killua was grateful for what Nagisa had done, he really was. Human interaction was really an odd thing when you spend 12 years of your life locked away only being let out to do assassin missions and when you run away you start going all over the place having you extroverted friend do all the talking and fighting a bunch of monsters.

"My sister isn't necessarily normal" Killua laughed. "Man, i wish i had a sister" Nagisa mumbled. Killua was going to ask, but he could read the room. It obviously wasn't a comfortable topic to chat about. "So why is your hair light blue? Those are some weird genes, i must say"

"Says the one with Snow White hair and bright blue eyes" Nagisa said back. "Are those even genes? Or did you just dye your air and wear contacts?" Surely Nagisa was indeed suspicious of these genes, especially if he saw Alluka/Nanika had black hair.

"Yep, all this is real" Killua said proudly.

It was a nice moment. They chatted about small things, random interests they had. Killua felt like he was making new friends...he liked that feeling. It gave him a sense of hope, made him forget about Gon.

'Gon.' Killua thought. He mentally slapped himself a thousand times.

'There you are, in my head again' Killua sighed in relief as they made it to the boba stand. 'Another distraction' he truly was grateful.


It was a fun day, truly. Who knew socializing could be enjoyable? (Its not, i cant stand more than 20 minutes with people) By now, Alluka should be home.

Killua opened the door to him home, a small apartment he was fortunate enough to get. Yet, when he entered he heard..sobbing. It was quiet, and faint, but he could still recognize it.

Alluka and Nanika.

He dropped his bags and rushed to their room. Slowly opening the door. And there they were, sobbing their eyes out. He approached them carefully and slowly. "Alluka...Nanika..?" His voice was sweet and tender. Reassuring. Nanika looked up, tears falling out of her sad scribbled in eyes. He frowned at the sight.

"What happened?" He asked. Nanika looked up at him, sniffling. Her face morphing into Alluka's. "S-Someone, *gasp* said th-th-that Nanaika *hic* a-and i w-were uglyyyy" she cried. Killua was relived it wasn't anything like she was physically hurt. But still, those are painful words. He brought them into a hug, "You know that's not true" he said softly. "B-but the-y called us a-a-a freak" she sobbed out. Killua patted her back. "Alluka Nanika, listen. You two are a gift. And sadly these types of things are the burden you must carry, but its a small price to pay so you can be yourselves." He smiled. The crying seemed to die down. "Onii-chan.." Alluka started. "Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked. Killua released her from the hug, looking at her straight in the face. "You two are the most beautiful girls in the world, dont forget that" He smiled. Alluka smiled as well. SHe was more calm. "Now i bet all that crying made you tried, lets go get ready for bed, huh?" He proposed. Alluka nodded and started her nightly routine.

"Goodnight Alluka and Nanika" Killua was peeking through the doorway, on the verge of closing it. "Night Onii-Chan! Love you!" She smiled and turned to her side. Killua smiled and shut the door.

"That-that was so sweet" he heard someone behind him cry. "Ah!" He jumped, getting into a fighting stance. But, he was met with the unfamiliar appearance of his teacher. "Wha-!? Teach! What are you doing here!?" He whisper yelled.

Of course, it was quite and awkward situation as Killua was in his pajamas. They didnt look like pajamas though. They were clothing similar to the one he wore in his trip to the ngl. The clothes were surprisingly comfy so he decided he might use them as PJ's.

"Well, i did have a few questions i wanted to ask you" the octopus said.

Killua looked at the time, '20:42, i can spare a few minutes'.

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