
327 17 11

Pov- tsuki

I was sat at lunch waiting for yamachuchi when i got a text from that random account from yesterday


M- hey wuu2?

T- nm u?

M- same lol

T- lol
T- i noticed you made tpn fan art

M- i did

T- you like it?

M- duh

T- cool
T- whos your fav?

M- idk

T- lol

M- hby?

T- ray or norman

M- poor emma

T- lmao

"Ooo who u texting?" I was interrupted by the sound of yamachuchi

"No one"

"Mhm ok" he said as he sat across from me

T- soz gtg

M- gtg cya

T- lol bye

M- bye

Yamachuchi was later followed by hinata and the king, contrary to belief i dont hate the king, i actually think he's decent company. Dont get me wrong i still dislike him but at least hes not hinata. He's definitely cuter. . .wait what?!

We ate the rest of are luch and headed to class, practice then home. On the way home i couldn't stop thinking of that acount, they seemed so familiar but i could quite place my finger on it, coincidentally i got another text from them


M- yo!

T- hey!

M- just got back from school hby?

T- same lol

M- lol
M- just realised we dont know eachovers names

T- oh yeah-

M- im toby

T- kay

I never liked useing my real name online so i always used nicknames

M- sooo kay what u do for fun?

T- mostly watching tv but i play volley ball but i wouldn't call it fun

M- no way! I play!

T- cool!

M- u on a team??

T- yeah

M- nice

T- hbu?

M- im also on a team

T- cool!

~time skip-

Its been a few months, me and toby still keep in touch, we've actually got rlly close its like we just click! (With adam Sandlers) but then came the faithful text...


M- fuck me >:(

T- u good?

M- no!

T- u wanna talk about it?

M- AHHH...yes >:(

T- jeez stop with the drama and get on with it

M- ok so u see
M- theres this guy in my school and hes really annoying and i really wanna punch his stupid face but all of a sudden now i cant stop blushing every time I see him!! AH HES SUCH A ASS HOLE!!

T- Lmao


T- 0.o

M- >:(

T- :)
T- so what you gonna do about him?

M- idk

T- cuzz it sounds like you like him

M- ....

T- 🤨

M- ....shut up

T- no <3
T- who is this guy anyway?

M- idk if you'd know him

T- dosnt mean i cant look him up :)

M- your gonna stalk him?

T- i cant confirm nor deny that claim

M- -_-

T- name?

M- urg fine!

T- :)

M- some guy named tsukishima kei


Idk what to do for this chapter so yeah ✨cliff hanger✨

Word cout 489

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