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Both tsukishima and kageyama slept through sunday and consequently late for morning practice on Monday.

Kageyama walked through the door to see the team stretching

"Where were you to?" Daichi asked

"Slept in sorry" came a cold voice from behind kageyama

He turned round to see tsukishima, he looked exhausted, the dark bags undet his eyes stood out against his pale white skin, he looked like a mess but who was he to judge he looked just as zombie like

"And what about you?" Dachi questioned

" i also slept in"

"Thats a surprise your never late to practice" suga added

"i had a busy weekend"

"Well no time to chat go stretch!"

The two hurried of to start stretching and joined the others
Practice felt like forever for tsukishima, he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open, soon enough the others caught on

"Tsukishima, you ok?" Suga asked you could hear the concern in his voice

"Yeah, yeah just tired" he said

"Ok, go sit down and rest up" he said ushering the blocker to a near by bench

After a while practice ended and they headed of to class, things where kinda awkward between kageyama and tsukishima, though they seemed to talk alot more than ushal but kageyama started to get concerned for the tall blond, he was barely able to stay awake and no matter how hard tsukishima tried to convince kageyama he was ok he knew something was up...he soon got his answer when 5th period ended and they started to head to luch. The two decided to meet behind the school to eat lunch together, once tsukishima arrived kageyama could tell that tsukishima got worse then suddenly


Tsukishima passed out! Kageyama quickly lifted him up and hurried of to the nurses...

Pov- tsukishima

I slowly opened my eyes to see kageyama half asleep in a chair next to me, he quickly realized i was awake and signaled to the nurse to come over

"What happened...?" I asked

"You passed out" the nurse replied


"It also seems like you have a fever"


"You should go home"


"Ill write a not for your teacher to explain what happened and your friend can walk you home ok?

"Ok" me and kageyama replied
We started to walk to my house, holding hands the hole time, we shortly arrived at my house and let go of eachovers hands as i knocked on the door. My brother akitaru answered,

"Hey i heard you passed out?"


"You ok?"

"Yeah nurse says i may of caught a cold idk"

"Oh? Whos that?"


"Oh! Your miwas brother right?"

"You know miwa?" Kageyama asked


"Oh ok"

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