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Pov- kageyama

I woke up round about 2ish hours before 1 and headed down stairs for breakfast then got washed and dressed and headed out the door,

✨le fit✨ deleted :^

I had some time to spair so i headed to the closest coffee shop and got a hot chocolate since it was colder than expected, i also picked one up for kay to then headed to the park.

I entered the park and texted kay to see where he was, he told me he was at the swings so i headed over to the swings, i just got to the swings when I saw a familiar looking blond guy

"...Kageyama?" He asked

"Tsukishima!?" As soon as i realized it was him i felt my face go bright red! I tried to calm myself down as he started to walk over to me


"Hey? haha" he awkwardly chuckled
"So what you doing here?" He asked

" meeting up with a friend"


"What? Wait-"

"Your toby"
"Your kay"

"Omg..haha" we both burst out laughing

"I brought hot chocolate...haha"

"Thanks" his eyes lit up once i handed him the warm drink


"Soooo" i awkwardly replied

"This is wierd"


We ended up walking around the park and talking, the awkwardness passed over and conversations started coming easy ,we surprisingly got along easily when were not constantly getting on at eachover...we shortly came to a stop and sat down on a bench neer a large oak tree.

"Its so weird" he said

"What do you mean?"

"I mean ive been trying to find out who you where for ages and turns out you've been under my nose the hole time"


"Whats even weirder is the fact you have a crush on me"

My face went bright red! I completely forgot about that...

"I- um- well i- ahhhh" i was so embarrassed i couldn't even form a sentence properly! I couldn't do this enymore, i just gave up and sunk my head in my hands as an attempt to hide my embarrassment, thats when i heard a laugh...i looked back up to see tsukishima laughing,

"Hey stop laughing!"

"I-i can't help it haha"


"F-fine haha"

Pov- none

Once tsukishima calmed down they sat there in silence but it was shortly interrupted by tsukishima asking

"So you actually have a crush on me?"

" i dont know"

"What do you mean?"

"I...i don't know"


"I dont know!"
"I just...yes?"

"Your not makeing eny sense"

"I know"
"Its just weird, one minute i want to kill you the next im a blushing stumbleing mess!"

"It sounds like you have a crush on me"

"I do! Ok..."


They sat in silence again waiting for the other to break the silence, soon kageyama decided to break the silence

"Do you think its weird?"

"No, Honestly im happy"


"Im saying im happy you like me to"


"Shut up!"


"Woah whats this? The kings saying sorry? Who are you and what have you done with kageyama?"

"Shut up! haha" i chuckled after giving him a jab in the side jokeingly

"Haha" his laugh made kageyama blush even more, at this point his hole body was red

"But really what did you mean 'like me to' ?" Kageyama asked

"I like you to"



"You like me? Like like me?"




"When did you start likeing me?"

"Idk to be honest, what about you?"

"I guess ive just always have..."

"Are you ok?" Tsukishimas looked over to kageyama as he awkwardly  sat there looking down at his feet trying to avoid eye contact with tsukishima

"Nothing...its just this is all happening so fast"

"Yeah Haha"  tsukishima awkwardly chuckled as he reached for kageyamas hand to comfort him

Kageyama looked up at him, his dark royal blue eyes met the golden boys eyes of tsukishima, a blushing creeped across tsukishimas face while kageyama stayed a bright red,

"Your eyes are beautiful" he thought out loud, not realiseing what they had said

"Thank you, yours are beautiful to"

"Can i kiss you?"


Kageyama leaned in not to close pausing to make sure tsukishima was 100% comfortable with it but to his surprise tsukishima swooped in and closed the gap between them. They pulled apart to catch their breath but quickly leaned back into another kiss, this time deepening it.

Pov- tsukishima

It all went so quickly i couldn't believe it! One second were walked around a park the next were kissing!? it felt so nice but at the same time it felt weird? But it feel right.

As we deepened the kiss i could feel kageyama resting his arms on my shoulders and around my neck, i pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around his waist. We slowly pulled apart, to catch are breaths, within seconds we burst out laughing, not sure why but we did. after calming down kageyama rested his head on my shoulders and he played with my hand. We didn't say much after that we just sat in silence and enjoyed the moment, soon it got dark and walked home, hand in hand.

We stopped outside kageyamas house and i gave him a quick peck on the cheek then said goodbye...

Walking home all i could think of was him, its all felt so wrong but so right? I didn't  even realise how much I actually liked kageyama. I knew I had a crush on him - as much as I deniad it - but I didn't realise it was this bad! Plus Ive never actually liked, liked someone so this was all new to me and i was ecstatic!

I entered my house, greated my mum and headed back to my room. I passed out as soon as I landed on my bed, i was exhausted! I sleeped all throughout the night and most of the next day...


Im not sure what else to add lmao but just thought id note taht the last couple of chapters (including this one)  where not spell checked or enything cuzz ive been rrly tiered lately so yeah  🤷‍♂️

Word count: 1032

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