The secret admirer

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Secret lover's POV:

I saw Marnie fast asleep on the guest room bed about five minutes after we arrived home. She was so cute just laying there curled up in a little ball. I had yet to tell the other boys that I may have a crush on her. I know she has a boyfriend but I just can't help myself from thinking that she's cute. No. Gorgeous.

The reason I haven't told them because I figured that they would just make fun of me for it. Or they would be mean about it and tell me I couldn't like her because she had a boyfriend. I would never purposely try to break them up but sometimes I do wish he didn't exist.

So I stood their watching her for a moment contemplating what I should do. I mean it's not every day that you come across a beautiful girl, fall head over heels for her, and then she has a boyfriend. So I'm not really sure what I should do but I do know that I need to stop staring at her before she wakes up or someone else comes in.

After bringing myself back from my train of thought I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on some boxers to go to bed. I heard the other boys go to their rooms and shut their doors awhile ago so that must mean they were asleep by now. I didn't want to make any noise to wake them so I tried to sleep even though I wasn't really tired.

Although, I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. All I could think about was Marnie. Why does she have to be so beautiful?

I groaned at myself for liking her. There were so many factors that meant we couldn't ever be together so I just need to stop dreaming. She would probably never like me anyway.

Marnie's POV:

I woke up and the house was very still and quiet. So I crawled out of bed and tip toed downstairs to see what time it was since their wasn't a clock in the spare room.

It was only 5:30 but I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep so I grabbed a quick shower in the downstairs bathroom that way it wouldn't make much noise. After my shower I threw my hair into a ponytail and grabbed a water bottle so I could take a jog around the neighborhood. I actually quite enjoyed running, it was an escape for me besides dancing.

All the houses around here were very big and fancy. I was used to semi big homes that weren't very interesting so it was kind of weird being here. I felt out of place kind of like someone would come up to me and tell me I should leave because I wasn't fancy enough or something. But I guess that's just my thinking because it never happened. Although it was only 6:00 a.m.

I jogged for about twenty minutes then picked up my pace when I was almost back till I was full out sprinting. I was out of breath but I just kept pushing myself. That was something about me that I actually liked. I never really gave up, I just kept on going.

I got back around seven to the house still being fairly quiet but I could hear one or two showers going upstairs. I decided to just chill on the couch and wait for someone to come down. Soon enough Liam came down to greet me.

"Good morning, Marnie." Liam chirped. Well someone was in a good mood for seven a.m. I kind of expected the boys to be quite grumpish in the morning. I guess I was just used to Reece being a little touchy.

"Morning." I said back giving him a slight smile.

"Would you like some breakfast?" He asked.

"Umm okay sure." I said still being a little unsure of breakfast. I'm not like one of those insecure people of my weight I just don't really like breakfast. It makes me sick sometimes and I just didn't want the boys to see me like that. I eat fast food all the time so I'm just not really used to home cooked meals. Breakfast especially.

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