Deep thoughts

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Marnie's POV:

I woke up around five a.m. Which is pretty early for me, but I kind of wanted some alone time to think things through. I made a cup of coffee and decided to go sit out on the patio instead of jogging. I really just wanted to think. Not do anything else.

It kind of hit me that I was single. It was kind of a weird feeling because I hadn't been for over a year. I have no one left. All I ever had was Reece and Courtney and now they are both dead to me. Sure I have the boys, but I'm really only with them for work. I'm sure they don't even care about me nor like me being here. I should really just quit, but I need the money. Plus I don't want to go back to my dance team because Courtney is included in that. I feel as if I'm in a down point in my life. I'm worth nothing, and no one with ever truly love me. Just like my parents.

Secret Lover's POV:

There are a lot of thoughts going through my head right now. At the moment I'm watching her out my window. She's just sitting there drinking her coffee like nothing matters in the world. It really surprised me how well she took the break up with Reece. Which is actually a good thing for me because maybe that means she is ready to move on already. But probably not with someone like me. I'm just some stupid guy who is in a boy band. Why would she want someone like that?

I'm just glad she doesn't get on social media that often. Because the word is out that she's been living with us and I'm sure she's getting hate. I wouldn't want her to see all that. It's crushed some of the other boy's exes. That's why some of them are exes.

I decided to get up and just go talk to her. Not tell her my emotions but maybe just listen to her. I feel like she might be down on the inside and is just not telling anyone because she wants to seem strong.

Wow I'm turning into a real deep savage.
I crept down the steps not wanting to wake anyone, because I just wanted a few private minutes alone with her. It seems like the other boys talk to her all the time, but I just never have the courage too. This time I am going to have the courage though because I need to stop bringing myself down. Who knows what she thinks right?

I opened the door and she looked my way. I think I might of scared her a little though because she jumped. Whoops.

"Oh hi." She said.

"Why are you out here alone?" I asked.

"Just thinking."

"Bout what?" I sat down next to her hoping I'd get something out of her.

"I don't know. Life I guess." Her voice was so sweet but I could tell something was wrong.

"Yeah me too." She looked at me with surprise at this.

"Do you like me being here?" She asked sadness creeping on her face.

"Of course I do!" ..."I love it actually" I whispered this but I knew she heard me because she looked straight into my eyes, her face becoming a little more colorful, and she smiled.

"I love being here too." She replied her voice softening. She looked down at her feet, kicking them back and forth.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I said breaking the silence between us.

"Umm I know you guys don't like when I answer this, but I'm not really hungry."

"It's okay I respect that, but I don't know how you're not." I smiled and she smiled back. I was finally having a moment with her. Maybe not a girlfriend/ boyfriend moment but it was one. And it was special.

Marnie's POV:

The boys were eating breakfast and I decided that I would go for a jog. I didn't want to miss any. These little breaks from dancing have been catching up with my weight. I've been starting to gain a lot and I didn't want to get fat. I could tell the boys were a little worried about me not eating and then jogging afterwards but it kind of felt nice that someone cared so I promised them I would eat a big lunch. I think I'm actually going stop worrying about them not liking me and think positive. The stress may cause me to gain weight too, so I'm going to try my best to not worry. I love the boys. I really really do. That was quite random but it's true and I needed to say it to make myself feel better because I think they love me too.

"So what are we doing today, boys?" I asked.

"Uh I don't know. Liam you got anything planned?" Zayn said.

"Nope, Lou?"

"Nope, Niall?"

"Nothing, Harry?"

"Stop!" I cut them off laughing. "None of you obviously have anything planned so instead of waisting time saying that you have nothing planned, think of something." I carried on giggling at their foolishness and they laughed along with me. Except I think they were laughing more at me snorting than anything.

"I think we should go to the beach." Harry smirked.

"Seriously? You just want to see me in a bikini you pervert."

"I didn't say that." He protested.

"But you implied it with your devilish smirk."

"I vote beach." Niall butted in.

"Ugh you guys need to get a life." I carried on.

"Maybe, but we need a girl in a bikini more." Harry stated.

"No, I think you need scissors more."

"And why would I need one of those miss, Martini Glass." They've been calling me that lately , I'm not sure why....

"So you could give it to me and I could cut your curls off."

"Woah woah woah I don't think that's necessary now." He backed away as I got closer. He started running and I just stayed in my place and evily laughed while the other boys just stood their in a shock state. I don't think they've seen the evil side of me yet.

(A/N : hey hey hey thanks for like 850 reads!! I finally put a banner in this one its kind of how I pictured Marnie but like I couldn't find the right pic so like add freckles and like more prettiness I guess then it should be Marnie oh and make the eyes bluer like Nialls. So I'm really excited cause my 13th birthday party is tomorrow so yays. It was supposed to be last week but I got really sick with a high fever. Ugh.but you probably don't care so I'll just talk about the story now lols. If you guys have any questions while reading feel free to ask btw:) I know that some slang words and stuff are different in England and stuff. But I kind of kinda not gave a hint to who the secret admirer was so if you see it then yeah good for you:) well I'll see YA sooon:)))

Ps: I prob won't update tomorrow cause yeah read up their^^ but I FO SHO will on Saturday!

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