Not fazed. At all.

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Marnie's POV:

The two weeks were finally up and I get to see my home!! Reece, Courtney, my couch. All the things I love.

"Alright, Love, are you ready?" Liam asked me as we pulled into the drive. I called Reece and Courtney to meet us at the house so they should already be here waiting for me.

"Totally, I'm so excited." I jumped out of the car and rushed to the door. I was met by two familiar faces in which they engulfed me into a huge hug.

"Marneh!!!" Courtney shouted.

"Courtneh!!" I screamed back . It was actually more of a screech but you know, excitement.

"Hey babe." Reece said kissing me on the cheek.

"Reecie Pieces!" I screamed in his ear squeezing him.

"Well now that you've had your moment, care to introduce us?" Harry exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Boys, this is Reece and that's Courtney." I explained pointing to them.

"And this is Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn." I pointed out every one like they were objects just to annoy Harry, since he snipped at me for some odd reason.

"Well it's very nice to meet you two." Liam said, being his same old daddy direction.

"Well let's head on inside shall we." I unlocked the door, holding it open for everyone to head inside. The five boys crashed down on the couch while Courtney and Reece sat together on the "tramp" , our really bouncy sofa. They were awfully close. Weird.

"Sooo you guys want anything to eat?" I asked.

I got a bunch of no's and I'm good's except for one yes from Niall. Of course.

"Bag of crisps?" I asked him.

"You know me so well." He replied smiling.

"That I do." I got a kind of dirty look from Reece at this comment but I didn't really care because he knows I'm living with them. It's not like I have a thing for any of them, but living with someone makes you know them pretty darn well. 

We watched a few films and we were in the middle of "Toy Story 3" when I got kind of bored. So I decided to get up and go to the bathroom and get some snacks and stuff to keep me occupied.

I was popping some popcorn on the stove when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Marnie can I talk to you?" Reece said.

"Oh yeah sure." I answered, confusion running though my mind. He never really calls me Marnie. It's usually babe or something along those lines or even just Mar.

"Can uh we go to your room?"

"Yeaahh..." I said, turning the stove off and shutting off the lights.

"Whatcha need?" I said kind of cheery hoping to get the same out of him.

"So this uh whole tour thing."

"Reece, we have talked about this like five times already."

"Well, I know but umm there is something I need to tell you."

"Okay." I said bluntly this time. I was getting annoyed by this. Why couldn't we be like before I went on tour. Meece. The perfect couple.

"I think we should break up."

At this moment I was shocked. This whole month he has been acting weird and now I know why. At first I thought it was the whole mom thing but I knew it was something more.

"Okay." Was all I said.

"Your not going to cry or protest against it?" He asked.

"You're not." I said proud of my comeback walking out of the room back to the lounge. I forgot about my popcorn and just went and jumped on Louis who was half asleep. I wanted to act normal so nobody would be suspicious which I really don't think anybody realized we were gone because they were all half asleep. Except Courtney.

"Hey what's going on?" She asked.

"Umm Reece broke up with me." I said not really fazed by my words just shocked at myself for not crying. But her reaction was what interested me. She had no look of shock or sympathy. It was almost like she was relieved or even happy. Was it because I wasn't showing emotion?

"Oh I'm so sorry , Marnie." She gave me a hug but I could tell she didn't mean her words. Something was definitely up so I was getting to the bottom of it. Straight to the bottom of it.

"You're dating Reece aren't you?" I said straight out. I'm really starting to suspect something. They both have been acting weird and what kind of friend says "Oh I'm sorry" when they hear their best friend's boyfriend just broke up with her. You go and get her ice cream and show her lots of love, not that.

"What? No." Was all she managed, very shocked at my words. She instantly became shaky and I could tell she was worried.

"No Courtney. I've already had lying done to me. I can tell something is up so why don't you and little Mr. Perfect, who is hiding around the corner eavesdropping on us right now, just leave. Cause I'm done with you both."

"No Marnie it's not like that!" She shouted.

"No Courtney it is like that. You fool me once. But you won't fool me twice." And with that I slammed the door in both of their faces. Spawns of the devil they are. That all really went down quickly.

"What's going on?" I heard five all to familiar voices ask from behind me.

"Umm well how do I put this. My boyfriend broke up with me but was cheating on me with my bestfriend. Well ex best friend."

"And your not crying, eating tubs of ice cream over it?" Harry asked.

He got punched in the balls for that comment and Zayn fixed it by saying, "Oh, love ,I'm so sorry can we get you anything?"

"No Harry's right. I'm fine. Im strong and I'm not going to let it faze me. I think that prank you guys pulled actually came to use." I laughed.

"Well how about we all head to bed." Liam stated, about falling over because he was so tired. Not because of alcohol of course, because we all know daddy direction wouldn't overdose. No never.

"Sounds like a plan" I said.

"Where are we all sleeping?" Lou asked.

"There are plenty of bedrooms. Just skip Courtney's because her's is still filled with girly crap."

They all chose a bedroom, some of them had to double up, and I went to mine crashing down onto my bed. It felt nice to actually be in my own. So I let sleep take over me, not even thinking about what had just happened not even a half an hour ago.

(A/N: hey guys!! Drama in this chapter!! And please no hate over me keeping Zayn in my story. He will always be a part of the band so I will keep on putting him in all the one direction stories I make. But anyways thanks for almost 800 reads! I'm so glad I'm on this journey to 1000 cause I honestly enjoy writing this story so much. I know I don't update every day but I do have a life. Lol. Keep leaving positive feedback and by the way I do read all your comments:) even if I don't reply back I do read them:) oh and yes I make grammatical errors and stuff but there is really no need to correct it unless it's really bad because seriously I am human and we all do it so like really. If it's like a plot mistake or something then yes please do comment but there is no need in correction every mistake I make. Well this is a really long authors note but I guess it's making up for the last one since I didn't do one. But oh well and see YA soooon:)))))

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