:: Tsubaki (Part 1) ::

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Minna-san! Even though I'm not that far into the series yet, SoMa is my first love and I really wanted to write something about them! So please bear with me, and if I got anything wrong please comment it below and such, arigato~ 


I was sitting on the couch reading a book when Soul walked into the living room, his hands in his jeans' pockets.

He raised an eyebrow. Dinner?  His maroon eyes seemed to say, looking at me questioningly. "Make it yourself," I smirked, motioning toward the cup of ramen on the table in front of me.

  "Baka," I heard him distinctly mumble, shuffling into the kitchen grumbling to himself. Ah, how cute Soul is. Wait, what?

  The thought of our relationship deepening into something further had crossed my mind, but not often. Soul was just a friend and partner; we couldn't possibly have feelings for each other, could we? It just wouldn't work out.

  Soul had wandered back into the room, a similar cup of ramen in his hands. Gingerly he placed the cup on the table next to mine and plopped himself down on the couch next to me. "What are you reading?" He asked. "A book," I answered, clearly uninterested in anything except the book.

"Hey, Maka," Soul started after a while, his fingers running through his ivory tufts. "Let me lie on your lap."

I froze. No male had ever spoken to me like that before—it was a first. But it was coming from Soul, so I guess it was ordinary... I hope?

"W-Why?" I stuttered, the embarrassment evident in my voice.

Soul sighed heavily. "I'm tired," he pointed towards the pillow I was leaning on, "and you're hogging my couch space. And I'm too lazy to move back into my room. You said no food in there, remember?"

This guy has a point, I thought. Typical of him to close the loopholes that I could always find in his words. But I was so engrossed in the book that to continue, I didn't have a choice.

"Fine," I said, uncrossing my legs and planting them on the floor. Soul smiled halfway, and then laid his head down on my lap. His hair tickled, and it was awkward to see him staring up at me while I was trying to read a book—but it's normal for partners to do that, right?

Another sigh escaped the weapon's mouth. "Move the book a little so I can see you," he said, bringing up a hand and pushing my book down for attention.

I blushed. I mean, who wouldn't? It was weird, someone asking to look  at you. Slowly, I angled the book so that I could read in comfort and let Soul see my face. I became very aware of his eyes sweeping over me, but I kept quiet.

After a while, he broke the silence. "You're really obvious, you know," he said, still not taking his eyes off me. I'm sure he felt me go rigid under him—I didn't like anyone, but had I given something away?

"You're probably reading a sad book," Soul continued, eyeing the title with great interest. "One second you look like you're going to cry, and the next you go all rage mode." He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing me to blush as much as I wanted. But I didn't want to blush!

"You're good at reading people, Soul," I said, looking at his peaceful face for a while, "It's like your name—you can read other people's souls."

"Yes, I guess that's the only good trait about me," He said tiredly, opening his eyes again, looking into my green ones. "You can look at souls, but you don't know them; I know what's going on in people's minds, I know how they work." Soul looked up at me, his crimson eyes once again sweeping my red face. "You, for instance, are a very hardworking person, and is always looking out for your friends."

"That you already know, Soul," I scoffed, settling back to my book. Did it take him this long to know that?

"Ah," said Soul, "but what you're looking for in life is to be a success, am I not right?" He smirked. "You look so flustered."

I was flustered. "How do you know?"

"It's my talent," he shrugged, which was already a talent since shrugging on someone's lap is rather difficult to achieve. "If you want to be a success in life, then make me a Deathscythe. Then you'll be the second known meister to make their partner a Deathscythe."

"Haha," I laughed without emotion. The reason you paired up with me was to be a Deathscythe? That's it? We're only partners on this journey for you to become what you've always wanted?  I felt angry for a moment. "Is that all you want us to be?" I asked, hurt.

Wow, that sounded so wrong.

"...What are you talking about?" Soul asked, sitting up quickly, nearly knocking the book right out of my hands. "Is that all?"  I questioned further. "We're just friends... for you to become a Deathscythe?"

The words processed in Soul's brain before he hurriedly shook his head. "That's not what I meant," he said, thinking of what to say, "You'll always be my friend, Maka, whether a Deathscythe or not." His words comforted me, although just for a little while.

"Thank you, Soul." There was silence for a while. "I got the wrong idea for a while," he admitted finally, scratching his head awkwardly. "I thought you meant... that we should be more than friends..." He hesitated.

I looked up from my book, irritated. "Psh, you and me together? I don't like anyone currently, let alone you."

"I know, the feeling's mutual," Soul closed his eyes for a moment, "but unlike you, there is someone that I might like."

My heart stopped. Soul liking somebody? Didn't he say he was too cool for anyone and stay single and awesome for the rest of his life?

"Who is it?" I jumped excitedly, all interest in the book gone. I was willing to help Soul, whether it was about fights or love. Besides, I was curious who had won the heart of the 'too cool for you' Soul Evans.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you, since you don't really like keeping secrets," Soul said, but soon after a steaming mark of a spine of a book covered his head. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you..." He sat up and rubbed his head.

"Who is it?" I repeated, curiosity getting the best of me now.

"Promise you won't tell anyone," Soul shushed me, lowering his voice a notch. Stop stalling and tell me already, baka!

"Yes, I promise,"  I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

Soul took it in, and casually his eyes flickered up to the ceiling. "Um," he paused for a second before saying—

"I like Tsubaki."


This is only part one, eheh~ Part Two coming up next! 


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