:: Tsubaki (Part 4) ::

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Here's part 4, no time to edit :)


"Bye!" I called. I turned back to Soul, annoyed. "Why didn't you say bye back?"

"Because boys got to keep cool," he said nonchantly. "They don't usually say hi or bye to girls."

"But you say it to me!" I said indignantly.

"Because you're my partner and best friend," he said idly, leaving me standing in the hallway, a muddle of feelings swarming over my head.

"So we're just really good friends, huh?" I said to myself. "I can't say I'm not happy..."

For some random reason a tear made its way down my cheek.

Soul and I were waiting for Tsubaki outside the school gates when the said girl came running over. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" she bowed her head. "Black Star got into some trouble, so he won't be able to come with us."

All the better!  I thought as we boarded the train. I saw Soul with his loosened tie lying against the wall of the train, not even making the tiniest effort to speak to Tsubaki. I leaned in close to his ear. "Talk to her!" I whispered.

"There's nothing to talk about, is there?" He whispered back, his warm breath grazing my ear and his husky voice making my bones tingle.

"Anything!" I said, trying not to take notice of the blush creeping up my face, "Just do it!"

I withdrew and watched him. My partner turned to Tsubaki and took a breath—

"So, how are you and Black Star?"

Goddamn it Soul, that's a sore subject!  I gritted my teeth trying not to yell. Black Star got into trouble; obviously Tsubaki must be sad for him, that's why!

My thoughts drifted. Of course Tsubaki must be sad for her partner, maybe she cares for him much more than she's supposed to? Then again, a weapon is supposed to be prepared to die for their meister, but what if she did not only want to die for Black Star only because she was his weapon, but also for her wanting to protect him because... because... will that ever happen anyway? Well, if it did, I would've gotten Soul for myse—

I hate myself.

We had reached the nearby mall. As the doors slid open, I glance at Tsubaki, a confident aura surrounding her as she stepped out of the train. Yes, this was what Soul needed, a good, strong woman like Tsubaki, not a puny little thing like me.

As we entered, Soul said he needed to go get something while Tsubaki and I made our way to the boutiques. "So, Maka-chan," Tsubaki began, glancing at me occasionally, "don't you think... Soul's been acting a little weirdly lately?"

So she noticed!  "How?" I asked nonchalantly, as if I didn't have anything to do with it.

"Well, whenever you're near him, he seems to tense up... and when he speaks to you you go all red! Are you guys together now?" Tsubaki blurted out in rapid fire.

"What?!"  I shouted, then covered my mouth and murmured an apology. "Sorry, it's just... no, we're not together!"

"Well, you guys should!" Tsubaki smiled once again at me. "You guys look cute together, and Soul really cares for you, you know."

"Yeah," I sighed, strolling into a shop full of fancy dresses. "But that's his duty as a weapon." I quickly changed the subject. "Why are we here again?"

"Maka!" It was Tsubaki's turn to glare at me. "You didn't forget, did you?!"

I shook my head. I was completely blank.

Tsubaki sighed. "It's DWMA's 900th founding anniversary next Sunday, you know!"

A jolt passed through me. DWMA? 900th? Anniversary?

"...How did I forget?!" My face heated up, flailing my arms about like a crazy woman. Tsubaki put a hand to her head. "That's what I would like to know."

"Anyway," I said, flipping through dresses on the nearest rack. "We should start our dress hunt... now!"

As we searched for our style, I contemplated what would be most suitable to wear. Of course I didn't want to dress to kill, but if I wore that black blood dress again, I swear...

Also, I didn't want to be too plain. Just something... that would impress someone, maybe?

I shook my head furiously. People were looking at me funnily. 


Next part will probs be tomorrow, or even today :)


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