:: Tsubaki (Part 3) ::

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Here's part 3 for my waflets! Dedicated to @Jaede13 for being my first ever reader! I really appreciate the feedback, I really do. Thank you so much for your support! 


"Alright, okay, let's start tomorrow," Soul cracked his knuckles and flashed me his toothy shark grin. "I'm keen to do this."

I did not know this, but inside, my heart was slowly tearing apart piece by piece.

Meanwhile, somewhere around the corner of the living room, a certain witch-turned-cat smirked softly to herself.

"Ah, Souly-kun~" she hummed, watching the two say goodnight before entering their respective bedrooms. "What will happen next?"

"Good morning, Soul" was the first thing I said to him when he trudged out of his room. On the table where his usual spot were freshly-flipped pancakes. His eyes widened slightly at the breakfast; it was his favorite. I should remember to tell Tsubaki, so she would know how to please him back if they ever—I mean when they— hook up.

No one can refuse Tsubaki. She's just a cute little ball of niceness, I like her. And Soul? I guess the only ones who can refuse him are the guys. Everyone at the DWMA goes whispering when he walks down the hallway. It's as if that hallway was a runway—and Soul was the model. I wouldn't say Soul was bad-looking, but his toothy shark grin sometimes either scares girls off or make them go weak at the knees. Different tastes, all of us.

For me, well! I'd like a guy whose looks aren't bad, of course, but is loyal, protective, brave, strong and kind. You might say I look for too much in a guy, but yeah, there are some out there, I know it.

Hmm, that description strangely fits So...

"Stop it!" I screamed, so frighteningly that Soul had stopped flooding his plate with maple syrup. "Maka, you okay?" He asked tenderly.

How is that even tenderly? How did I imagine that as tenderly?!

"Yeah," I said, picking up my knife and fork and spearing a piece of pancake. "I just hope my advice helps you win over Tsubaki." I faked a smile.

He smiled back. "Good," he said, gulping down the rest of the food on his plate. "I think I'll need it today."

He was dressed in his Spartoi uniform, his ivory hair free of any accessories. "Where's your headband?" I asked, sipping my orange juice before grabbing my schoolbag.

"Thought I wouldn't wear it today," he replied, straightening his collar and smiling at me, a big, goofy smile. "Need to look best."

If he would only smile a bit more like that everyday.

I slipped on my shoes and motioned for him to follow. "Come on, we don't have all day." Soul let out a sigh, and climbed on top of his motorbike.

I came out a tad later than Soul because Dr. Stein wanted to see me. All that went into my head were rants about his own dissections, but he expected me to turn in a five-page-long essay on his 'adventures'. Well, I guess if he thought I was capable, I'll do it... but then what will happen with Soul and Tsubaki? I'll just have to deal with both.

Soul was standing outside, his fingers running through his thick tufts. He had talked to me this morning on whether Tsubaki wouldn't like his hair and think it made him look like an old man. I had told him not to worry, that he looked so young his white hair didn't signify any increase of age whatsoever. He gave me a relieved grin and a head ruffle after that.

 He really must be in love.

As I clutched my books while walking out of the classroom, I heard a shout. "Maka-chan!" I turned and saw Tsubaki jogging towards me.

"Ah!" I smiled, turning towards Soul. "Just the person I wanted to see! Right, Soul?"

"Yeah," he muttered, and I watched as he pulled and loosened his tie, popping open the collar and exposing some of his collarbone. Just looking at the tanned skin nearing to where his crotch was made my mouth wate—

Remember, he's doing this all for Tsubaki. Keep your shit together.

I turned back to the girl with jet-black hair, hoping to God that my face wasn't as red as I thought it would be. Tsubaki, however, did not seem fazed.

"I just thought that you would like to go shopping with me after school," Tsubaki smiled at me, and I just knew that it would be enough for Soul's heart to melt. "And were you going to say something, Maka-chan?"

"I-I w-w-would love to g-go," I stammered. "And—uh, forget it."

Suddenly, I had a brainwave.

"Um, Tsubaki-chan!" I called, happy at my finding. "I just thought... maybe Soul could bring us there on his motorcycle!"

I felt Soul's head perk up, and I certainly didn't regret when I turned and saw his face. He was fumbling his collar, his mouth wide open, his eyes darting around whenever he was panicking. I laughed to myself; I thought I'd never get to see the moment Soul Evans at a loss of words!

"Um, Maka-chan, that would be lovely!" Tsubaki smiled, but continued. "But... I don't want to break it to you, but do you think it can fit three people?"

I felt so stupid right then, I wanted to cry.

"Um," I said, glancing back at Soul for help. But all the bastard did was smirk back at me, a triumphant What you gonna do now?  look evident on his face.

"We could... take the train, of course! Right?" I glanced back at him and pulled a face.

"Ah, that was what I was thinking of," Tsubaki said. "Right, so see you two after school!"

"Bye!" I called. I turned back to Soul, annoyed. "Why didn't you say bye back?"

"Because boys got to keep cool," he said nonchantly. "They don't usually say hi or bye to girls."

"But you say it to me!" I said indignantly.

"Because you're my partner and best friend," he said idly, leaving me standing in the hallway, a muddle of feelings swarming over my head.


Yay! Part 4 coming up! ^^


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