the raft?

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She woke on the small raft, looking around confused. Realizing she was in the middle of the ocean she attempted to stand, nearly falling in the process. She began to panic as she saw a shadow underneath her. She looked around the raft to see a paddle and some fruit. She frantically grabbed the paddle and began to swish it through the water. Proving useless she threw it and thought fuck it, ill just use my hands she leaned over the side of the raft and began running her hands through the warm water "where am i?" she mumbled to herself. Suddenly, she saw land, her pupils dilated in response being excited to get back home. She paddled faster and faster until she physically could not paddle anymore. After about an hour and a half of paddling she reached shore. She jumped off the raft and lay on the rocky beach. Seeing it was dark now, she assumed it was around 8pm so she began to wander the small island to find some place to stay. Or find some materials to build a shelter and get a fire going. After around half an hour of searching the island she had found a comfortable area underneath some trees to camp for the night. She attempted to make a fire, after a few tries she got it yes! She mentally told herself.

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