long live (sarawattine)

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A/N: This os was inspired by Taylor Swift's song 'Long live'. A Prince Sarawat X Sailor Tine os!

"Remind me again why I'm here with you?" Tine crossed his arms over his chest, irritation etched across his face.

"Because some idiotic know-it-all claimed they knew how to bypass the three-headed dog and retrieve the sword," Sarawat retorted, his frustration matching Tine's. "If I had known you were going to be such a pain and get us into trouble, I wouldn't have trusted you."

"Says the one who practically dragged me here because he was too scared of 'Floof'," Tine scoffed, using his fingers to form air quotes.

"That three-headed dog is called 'Floof'?" Sarawat's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

"This was the fifth time I confirmed it with you. Yes, sir. His name is Floof."

"How do you know? Are you secretly related to that evil dragon? Are you tricking me?"

"Sarawat Guntithanon, we are literally stuck under this trapdoor, and all you want to know is if I'm tricking you or not?" Tine deadpanned.

"It doesn't answer my question," Sarawat replied flatly.

Tine let out an exasperated sigh. "Captain told us about its name, remember? If I were tricking you, don't you think I wouldn't be here, trapped with you?"

"I don't trust you. Maybe it's all part of your plan to get me killed so you can have that thing, the sword," Sarawat said, his eyes examining Tine suspiciously.

"You're unbelievable, Guntithanon."

"So are you, Teepakorn."

"You know, I shouldn't have asked the ship's crew to save you from drowning. You're such an arse!"

"Well, no one asked you to!"

"Of course. I can see that clearly," Tine scoffed.

As the two continued their bickering, Tine slumped down on the dark, mossy floor, exhausted from their constant quarreling. "Now shut up. I'm tired of fighting with you."

"You're not—" Sarawat's voice was abruptly cut off by a monstrous growling sound echoing from further ahead.

"Oh shit! It'll be better if you keep your mouth shut now, or else you might get eaten by that dog," Tine warned. He immediately sprung up, alarmed.

Sarawat nodded, finally recognizing the gravity of their situation. It was the massive, three-headed dog, Floof. It was definitely making its way toward them.

With no time to lose, Sarawat reached out and grabbed Tine's hand. "Come on! We need to get out of here."

"No, wait! We cannot move now or else it'll hear our footsteps," Tine explained in hushed whispers.

"No shit! If we don't get out of here, it'll definitely eat us before we can say 'feast'," Sarawat spoke, straining his eyes on the illuminated pathway.

"You're a complete idiot, Sarawat! It's common sense; Floof is far bigger and taller than us. It'll catch us even if we run at our maximum speed," Tine hissed.

"Too late," the latter spoke, voice grave with fear. The Earth shook with loud 'thumps' indicating the arrival of their doom.

Together, they stumbled to their feet and raced toward the trapdoor exit. Floof was closing in fast, its monstrous growls growing louder with every passing second.

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