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"Okay here i go"After breathing in and out for a couple of times I finally find the courage to press the bell. I have been standing here for the past minutes working on what I'm going to say to whoever opens the door.

The door is flung open and in front of me stands a short lady who looks in her late twenties. She is wearing a nurses outfit and has her curly hair loose making it obvious that she came back from an exhausting shift. "Hi" she says smiling showing me her gorgeous white teeth.

Clearing my throat which is actually more like getting it to work I finally reply "Hi..uhm.. I'm looking for help" . She gives me a comforting smile. It's as if she can sense how shy I am or is it that obvious. I really need to work on my shyness.

"What's the problem?" She asks giving me a worried look this time. Well then here goes nothing. "Well I moved here just a few months ago with my sister and her family. Everything has been going great until the water pipe broke and her husband left for business. Now that I don't know anyone here I thought you could help" I explain to her. I hope that never sound as lame as it does.

That is the first time I have spoken for so long actually especially to a stranger. I'm very proud of myself  for nailing that one. The look on her face now changes to pure confusion. Oh shit. Of course Brittney she's a lady they obviously know nothing about pipes. Nurses deal with human bones not bloody pipes.

Damm me. Damm me and Damm me. "Come on in.. while I get you help you can wait" she  says cutting me from my cursing thoughts and gesturing for me to come inside. As I walk in my eyes go wide by how neat and tidy her house is. It's just so perfect. Cream coloured walls my favourite. Wooden tiles. A friendly atmosphere one that actually calms me and makes me feel like home.

We go to the kitchen which stinks like beer. I sit down on the kitchen stool while she picks up the empty beer bottles from the floor. You swear she's a nurse in the morning and a bartender in the night. After throwing them all in one thrash bag she gives me some Orange juice which I happily accept.

"Vally" she calls out. I look around mostly at the door entrance expecting a little puppy or even a kitten to come running. "VALLY" this time She shouts out loud with annoyance on her face. One thing I like about her is her face never hides what she's feeling about something.I'm going to be her best friend.

"That's my younger brother" she says looking at me embarrassed with a smile which she clearly forced. I just smile at her and make myself comfortable. "What the fuck are you calling me for, Jesus" A voice shouts back from upstairs. Next thing there is stomping of feet coming from the stairs and then the figure shows himself.

Oh my god. I never knew Greek gods were still alive or are humans. What I am seeing is absolutely amazing. His got curly hair that has dropped on his forehead. His tall and well sculptured. He has Brown dark eyes. He is wearing shorts showing his gym hairy legs and a red shirt that is hugging his muscular body. Not to mention his pink juicy lips. Oh Gosh ,He is my Hercules.

If I had known such a goddess existed and stayed right next door I would have put on some makeup and changed into something more sexier. "Why did you leave your bottles here ?. What did I say about drinking in the house?." She shouts at her younger brother.

He just smirks at her then looks at me. I am sure I am turning as red as tomatoes. I wipe of the juice that was drooling from my mouth and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

Realising I'm still there she turns to me. "Well, this lady here. She..uhm.. Her water pipe broke and couldn't get any help. Since we her neighbours she came here to ask. And oh yeah she's new in town so you could be friends" she tells her brother looking a little afraid.

He first scans me. He looks at me from head to toe. Gosh can he stop staring his looks have bad side effects on me. "No thanks for both offers. Firstly, I don't fix pipes and secondly I don't need friends" He says then clicks his tongue.

What a jerk for a handsome guy. He was supposed to be a gentlemen and help a lady in need but he has to go throw all my hard work and effort of coming here and asking in my face.

I take a sip of my juice to calm my anger that is brewing inside. I really want to take the knife on the counter and stab him a thousand times so he never wakes up. Him and his bloody handsome but stuck up face can go to hell. "Come on Vally. How can you be so mean?" She says nudging him on the arm.

He goes to the fridge and takes out a jug of water. He takes it and drinks it just like that. Filthy handsome creature. There is cups for  a reason.

I guess this is it Brittney I might as well just go back and drown inside the leaking pipe. I swear we cursed.  "I'll help. I'll do it" a voice from behind him volunteers.  He comes down the stairs to show himself. He has green eyes, his brown in colour, he is tall but not taller then mean bird, his cute, they don't look alike which means they friends and not siblings.

Vally almost chokes on his water. "What do you know about pipes" he asks his friend while laughing at him. He has such a sweet laugh  but right now I just want to shoot him.

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Welcome to Brittney Bryson's life. It's going to be a long journey for them all. Hope you guys enjoy it with them 😁

Lots of love

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