Chapter 24 - The House

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It was a no school day and I was basking in the joy of it. That was until my bedroom door flew open without invitation. I sat up in my bed groaning at the time and glaring at the intruder. Zander stood in my door way smirking down at me.

“Get up, lazy bones. We are going out.” I tilted my head, looking at him like he was insane. He was dressed casually, in black relaxed jeans and a short sleeve red shirt.

“I don’t want to.” I laid back on my bed and covered my head with a pillow. He laughed and suddenly my pillow was gone.

“Too bad. You don’t have a choice. Let’s go.” He pulled the cover off of me and pulled me by my arms out of the bed.

I grumbled the whole time as I walked to my bathroom while he chuckled sitting on my bed watching me. I closed the door and started my shower. When I got out twenty minutes later, opening my bedroom door wrapped in only my towel, Zander had gone. But in his place was laid out a pair of jeans and a shirt, casual like his. It made me smile at the silly gesture.

I dressed quickly, tugging on my riding boots and pulling my black and blue hair into a messy ponytail. It wasn’t like I was trying to impress anyone, besides it’s what he gets for waking me up at ungodly hours on a school holiday. I pulled open my bedroom only to see him leaning against the wall smirking at me, his eyes traveling over my body.

“So, glad I am not taking you somewhere fancy.” He pushed from the wall and began to walk down the hallway, me following and glaring at his back.

“Are you complaining about the way your mate looks, Alpha?”

“If I was a smart man, my answer would be no. That my mate was beautiful no matter what she was wearing.” He stopped and turned just as he stepped down the first two stairs, our eyes leveled for once. “But as my mate tells me constantly, I am not smart. So, yep I sure am.”

“Jerk.” I pushed him slightly and began to walk down the stairs around him, him laughing heartily but catching up and grabbing my hand to take the lead once more.

He pulled me out towards the front door causing me to be even more curious, but I said nothing as we made our way to his SUV. He opened the door for me and I climbed in, buckling up and began playing with the radio as soon as he started the engine. He glared at me as I ignored every station.

“Stop touching my radio.” He swatted my hand gently before pressing the MP3 icon, the sound of Adele flooding the interior instantly.

“When did you buy Adele?” I asked him, looking up at his smirking face.

“The day I heard you in my office singing.” He drove down the driveway in silence other than the music.

He put his hand on my knee and I couldn’t help the slight butterflies in my stomach. Since the marking we had kept a safe distance from each other and even though I had paid attention to Angelique’s advice about taking the edge off to help him contain control, I hadn’t actually done anything. The idea was a bit embarrassing to me. I had very little experience with the opposite sex and what little I did have, most of it came from Zander. There was no doubt in my mind that if I did try to “help” in that area, I would do a pretty horrible job of it.

The drive was pretty quiet, every once in a while Zander would sneak a peek at me out of the corner of his eye but he never spoke. In a way I enjoyed the silent drive, watching as we drove through the territory, passing the houses and the tress. I had no clue where we were going and honestly I didn’t ask. I was enjoying the ride and his hand on my knee too much to care. That was until he made a turn onto a dirt road. I looked at the time and my surroundings, we had been driving for forty-five minutes in peaceful silence.

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