Chapter five - Declarations

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“I hate him.” I said collapsing on the grass in the training yard.

“I am going to kill him.” Cam said falling next to me.

“Poison.” I huffed out trying to catch my breath.

“He is a scout he can smell poison.” Cam whined.

“That’s trackers, pixie. Pick up a pack book sometimes.” I kicked her, well more like lifted my leg then let it fall after it rose about half a centimeter from the ground.

We had been training for two hours when the trainers finally called it a day. No thanks to our dear Beta. No, Aidan had wanted to go another hour in wolf combat. Luckily his wife decided to come out and save us. Have I ever mentioned how much of an angel that woman is? I so need to buy her something nice.

“You two are pathetic.” Darius laughed as he stood over us. We both growled up at him though it somehow came out sounding more like a grunt.

I was not in bad shape, not at all. Cam and I ran every morning in human form three miles. It was our time of solace in our otherwise insane lives. Not to mention every day I trained with my security staff in either wolf form or human. So, no I was not in bad shape. But Aidan was literally trying to kill us.

The ten instructors had split up taking positions in the yard. We had tried to move to Jordan with the three boys but two large hands grabbed our arms gently and pulled us back. Aidan had insisted that we train with him and only him. At first we thought he was being over protective again, wanting to make sure we didn’t get hurt. Boy, were we wrong.

He started off by putting us through our paces. We had to run around the yard a few times to warm up, do some sit ups, push-ups, and other stretches. Then the fun began, or so he said. He shifted into his wolf mid-sentence and attacked.

Yes, you heard me the Beta attacked a group of about ten teenage shifters. And the worst part was? Even as we attempted to overtake this lone wolf as a group, he somehow got every last one of us to submit. It was pathetic.

When the last of us had shifted he turned back into his human form, tugging on a pair of shorts in the tree line quickly. He thought the whole thing was funny and just proved how much work he had to do with his future security teams. But that wasn’t enough for the Beta.

He then made us all shift into our wolves if we weren’t already and paired us off. We had to fight in wolf combat until there was only one person standing. It was horrible, bloody, tiring, and yes a little exciting.

“You remember him, don’t you?” I asked Cam as I looked at the boy with dark hair and olive skin.

“From Halloween?” She asked me sitting up to look him over too.

We had thrown a Halloween party and had made a big deal about bringing in some of the old pack rituals. One such ritual was a shifter had to make the most kills for the night and would be granted a favor from the Alpha. The kills ended up being only chickens but the boy had won and had asked Zander to grant him permission to move into the pack house and train.

“He is good.” Cam said nodding towards the boy. He had ended up being the last one standing. Cam surprisingly had lasted longer than I thought only being the fifth one out. I had lasted until number 7.

“Hey!” I yelled loudly and watched as a few heads turned to me. Cam stared laughing at me while Darius just shook his head. I pointed to the boy rudely and beckoned him over.

“You are so strange.” Darius grumbled. The boy gave me a strange look but came over anyways.

“You bellowed?” He asked me as he continued to look at me like I was an alien. I patted the grass next to me. He lifted his eyebrow but sat anyways. I liked him already.

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