Chapter 23 | Time To Face The Music

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We are dying from over thinking.

We are slowly killing ourselves by thinking about everything.

Think. Think. Think.

You can never trust the human mind anyway.

It's a death trap.

- Anthony Hopkins


The funeral was today.

I had pulled my hair up into a tight bun, applying red lipstick and eyeliner. I didn't want to go all out with the make up, no one likes a face caked of powder. I never had much experience with make up before the tour, but once I joined I had to put it on nearly every night for shows. I eventually learned how to get my make up done in under half an hour.

The boys had felt bad and asked personally for an invitation to the service which Naomi didn't hesitate about.

Flipping my phone out, I tap onto the Twitter app.

@Shiloh_Maxwell : Sometimes God must pick the prettiest flowers from his garden and leave the others behind, whom need a little longer to bloom.

Luke currently thought I was just getting ready at his house so I can make sure he gets ready in time. I felt okay with how we were at the moment. It's only until he finds out my last secrets from him, that will shatter us.

He doesn't know that I've written some of their songs which will be on their album. He also doesn't know that while he thought I was living with Julie, I was sleeping across the hall from him.

I don't know how he will react, but I don't think it will be good.

He'll just leave you.


I look down to my small watch that I had bought solely for formal occasions. I should probably head over to where the funeral was being held at.

"Luke!" I call from the bathroom with the door wide open.

"What?" He yells back and I roll my eyes, packing my things back into the secret compartment I stored my make up and such. Liz and I had found it, making a kind decision, Liz allowed me to use it instead of using it for her. I'd of course decline the offer until she gave one of those looks. The motherly look. The 'no you listen to me' looks.

Instead of yelling back again, I make my way to his room only to find him struggling with his tie. He looks so handsome in his black suit pants, which he'd complained so much about, and his white shirt, black coat and black tie. Of course, Liz wasn't home at the moment, she was out for a school meeting.

"Here-" I say, chuckling and walking over to him and taking the tangled fabric from his big hands. He looks down to me with a blush across his cheeks looking a tad vulnerable. I mean, he was a seventeen year old teenager who still didn't know how to create the tie's true form.

My fingers twisted and folded the tie, crossing it over itself and looping it in a distinct pattern. Finishing it off, I tighten it slightly around his neck to finally look up at him to see his sunken baby blue eyes watching me curiously.

"I didn't know you knew how to do a tie." He tells me and I smile half heartedly at him, shrugging slightly.

"I got bored." I answer, it was true. When I'm not playing guitar or with the horses, I'm trying out new stuff. New skills. It worked well to pass time and I learnt a lot from it. "It comes in handy. I mean, even Uncle Sam needed help-"

"You look very beautiful as always, Shiloh." Luke cuts me off with an amused grin, to stop me from being awkward and rambling. It's now that he steps back, with both arms still holding my sides gently, and takes in my appearance. My cheeks heat up at the comment, I avert my eyes to the floor.

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