Chapter 6 oopsies

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It was an ordinary day, Red was still a vampire that she didn't know about, her hair was still blood red, and her eyes were still black, she was still seven, but today was different because Murle was bringing her to the zoo! (BAD IDEA I know).

Red and her aunty took the dart to Dublin city.

They walked to the zoo. Red has never been to the zoo before, and if she did she would know not to go back.

Red was excited and skipping on the pathways, scruffing up her shoes. She skipped holding aunty Murle's sweaty hand while singing, "La la la, were going to the zoo, isn't it wonderful aunty Murle that I'm going with YOU!" she giggled while singing non-stop, Murle had to admit she was too happy of a child even thought what happened to her, but she was rather annoying to.

Red gasped and pointing jumping up and down. "Look! Look! Look!" she squealed. She tooked hold of  aunt Murle's hand and ran (She was holding her hand before but after 10 rounds of the zoo song Murle let go and walked ahead holding her ears).

Red ran all around the zoo pointing at animals in amazement, she noticed and shooting pain in her head. Red was so excited she ignored it, but then red fell while looking at the gorillas.

She held her head and starting crying. "Murle!" she wined, "My head is making and bam bump bamma bump bam bump noise in my brain!"

Murle was aware of the past, not aware of the whole vampire part though, but still.

"C'mon baby", Murle said lifting her up. She ran with her too the bathroom. She screamed loudly now, attracting attention.

Murle brought into one all the stalls, and locked it behind her.

"What's wrong?" Murle asked.

"I'm hungry", Red moaned, baring fangs.

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