chapter 9 back again

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After 4 years of loneliness and no friends, it was the time to go back to England. Red left on the day after her 11th birthday because Murle was that desperate to get rid of her. Murle woke her up at 6:00am because class started at 9. She got dressed quickly into her uniform. 

Her uniform had a blue shirt and navy cardigan with the school crest. She had and blue skirt and navy socks. Her tie was navy with yellow stripes. She had a little hat that had a tiny yellow bow on it. She smiled at herself in the mirror. She felt like she was going to Malory Towers like she read in the book. 

Am I actually happy to leave?

Yeah I am, actually, who needs Murle?

She packed the spares of her uniform and pyjamas and everything else she need in 2 suitcases one was big and white and the other was blue and small. She packed her phone plus charger her nintendo (which she still had) and her iPod. 

She bubbled inside for once she would have friends and be able to fit in. Red's face dropped suddenly she realised she wasn't normal and feared that she wouldn't fit in. She had butterflies for a moment, but they left when Murle peeked through the door.

"Come on, Red, the sooner you leave the better!" 

"Okay, Murle you have to unlock the door so I can leave," Red said. Usually that would sound crazy to anyone but, to Red this was routine. "Okay Red, but be carefull ok? Are you hungry I have some chicken!" Murle said.

Red's heart skipped a beat when she heard chicken. "I would like some chicken, yeah," Red shouted to her.

Murle unlocked the door which was a ocassion. There was chicken left on the doorstep. Red smiled and picked it up the plated. Yum she thought and ate it hole. She picked up her bag and checked her phone. 

A message from a few people in her class that were lucky enough to have a short conversation with  her to find out her number. She smiled to herself.

Bye Red x :) Miss you!

She put it back in her bag. She heard a car horn outside and picked up her stuff. She ran to the door.

"Murle, please can I have a hug?" Red asked hopefully.

Murle looked nervous and gave in and hugged her quicly and awkwardly. 

"Bye, Murle," Red smiled.

She got into the taxi. "Dublin Airport," she called out to the driver. He nodded and started the engine. They drove away quickly. This time really would be the last to drive away from here. 40 minutes went by and then she arrived. She payed the man and got out. 

She checked in got security check and put her suitcases through. She ate Mcdonalds and got on the plane. She read a book as a hour and a bit went by. The plane landed and as usual everyone clapped. She got her suitcases back and called another taxi. She recognised the journey from 4 years ago. When they got to the forests she knew they were nearly there. A few minutes later, she saw as the same building not so modern as it would have been then. 

The building got closer. The taxi stopped and she paid again. She told the taxi driver he could leave because she was almost sure this time she was aloud go in. 

She knocked at the door, this time other girls were waiting outiside also some boys too. It must be a new term, since it was just after Christmas break. She smiled at everyone trying to make new friends now that she knew she could. 

"Hey, I know you I would recognise that red hair anywhere," said boy she didn't recognise at all. 

"Sorry I don't think I know you," she said as politely as possible.

"No, no, no you were here, yes 4 years ago I thought it was all ages too, trust me I remember," he said.

"Oh, right yeah," said Red now remember seeing the boy 4 years ago leaving into the car. 

She smiled at him warmly. He opened his eyes wide and smiled back. Red froze when she saw no colour in his eyes but black.

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