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When we got to the doctors, I looked at dad, "is this really necessary?"

"Yes, it is, now get out of the car." He says, getting out of the car himself. I groan and get out of the car as well, sighing. I dreaded going to this place, if only I hadn't told dad about what happened, this wouldn't be happening. I put my hands in my pockets as we went inside, I sat down, while my dad checked me in. I hated social interaction, so I let my dad handle it. Looking around I saw people of all ages, some looked scared, some looked relieved, and some had expressionless faces.

Dad came back a few minutes later and took a seat beside me, waiting for my name to be called. "Dad, I really don't think this is necessary, we know what caused it, we're just wasting the doctor's time, can we just cancel and go home? Please?" I ask, looking up at him.

"No, this is necessary, we wanna make sure there isn't some underlying condition hidden by your quirk."

"I thought we already had that conversation with a different doctor, he said there wasn't."

"It never hurts to get a second opinion, now drop it."

"Yes sir," I grumble, sighing. After a few more minutes, the doctor calls my name, and dad and I walk back there. They weigh me, take my temperature, check my height, and all that crap, then we head to the room. Once in there, they ask me to sit down on the uncomfortable bed? Not exactly sure what it's called. They checked my breathing and my blood pressure, and frowned.

"Is something wrong?" My dad asks, when he sees her frown. .

"Her blood pressure is highly elevated for her age, has she been under any recent stress?"

Dad looks at me, "she would know better than I would."

This causes the doctor to look at me expectedly, "I guess if you consider getting kidnapped, my family being mad at me because of how my body reacts to my quirk, and if my new friends would be ok, considering they live in the forest, then yes, I have been under stress recently." The doctor looks at me and blinks, turns to my dad who shrugged, then looks back at me, goes to say something, then closes her mouth.

"Well, I would say that would be considered stressful," the doctor comments. "That's probably why your blood pressure is so high, I would suggest trying to cut down on the stress." I nod, to show I'm listening, and she continues, "ok, so what was the original problem she came in here for?"

"Well, she's been coughing up blood. When she uses her quirk, she normally gets sick and has a high fever, but after using her quirk yesterday, she started coughing up blood," my dad explains.

"If her quirk is giving her the other side effects, the blood is from her quirk too, although she should refrain from using it, if it's doing that to her." The doctor says.

My dad nods, "I do my best to keep her from using it, guess I'll have to enforce it even more now." He says, glaring at me. I look down, wanting to avoid eye contact. "Thank you, doctor," my dad says, standing up, "come on Y/N, let's go home." I nod, and stand up, following him out. He looks at me as we leave the doctors, "I don't want you using your quirk again, not until we find a way to fix it, understood?"

I nod, as we get in the car and head home, looking out the window, I sigh, no more spying on their conversations about me. Dad and I were both pretty silent on the ride home. Once we finally got home, I went inside to have Eri tackle me into a hug. "Hey Eri," I giggle, picking her up.

She hugs me tightly and smiles, "can we hang out now?"

I chuckle, "yes, we can, what do you wanna do?"

"Let's have a tea party!" She exclaims, squirming out of my arms, and running towards her room. Smiling, I followed her, glad she was in such high spirits. When I got to her room, she already had her tea party stuff set up, and had Shinso there as well. I sat down on the floor at her little table. Eri was pouring an extra glass of pretend tea since she had a new guest.

She served me pretend tea and filled Shinso's cup with more pretend tea, before doing the same for herself, "there we go, now we all have full cups of tea!"

"Thanks Eri," Shinso and I say in unison as we drink pretend tea. She had her stuffed animals sit around the table as well, and was pretending they were eating. We played for a few hours before Eri got tired and decided she was done playing.

"Night Eri," I whisper, as Shinso tucks her in. We then both leave the room, leaving her night light on, quietly closing the door.

Once we get out of range, Shinso grabs my arm, "Y/N."

"Yea?" I ask, frowning, since he said it so seriously.

"What did the doctor say?"

Sighing, I look him in the eye, "she said it's just another side effect of my quirk like everything else and I just shouldn't use my quirk, although, my blood pressure is really high and I need to cut down on the amount of stress I'm in, which I highly doubt will happen, stressful situations just tend to happen."

Shinso nods, "please be careful, don't use your quirk, and let me know if you need anything, I'm always here for you."

I nod, "thanks Shinso," I say, before we go to our separate rooms.

Kirishima X reader, (beauty and the beast AU)Where stories live. Discover now