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•Aoi is a like a fire stay your fair distance your good, but when you get to close she'll burn you.

•The best example of a mom friend

•Smells like butterfly's, flowers, and deodorant

•Is the best cook, for real, just a very big mother figure that everyone needs

•Even though she isn't the strongest, she makes up for it with her healing patients.

•Likes cats, but not dogs

•Aoi is a city girl and knows her way around.

•She likes getting head pats even though she'll get spooked if you don't warn her.

•Sassy queen that can't dance to save her life. She "knows" how to "dance", but can't actually do it.

•Absolutely HATES spiders and cockroaches so when she sees one she gets Kanao to get it for her( Kanao is also scared but will take care of it). This also affects her when Inosuke crawls on the walls and such, she's this close to hitting her with her shoes.

•Aoi can and play the violin, and will play it to soothe her patients, sometimes.

179 words

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