" you're precious to me "

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"They're done!" Keqing yelled from the kitchen so Ganyu could hear. Ganyu was on the couch, sleeping. "Oh! They are? That was fast.." Ganyu said, getting up and walking over to the table. "Yea, maybe for you" Keqing giggled. They both sat at the table and got ready to eat. "Wow!" Ganyu exclaimed. "They're excellent! You did amazing, Keqing!" Ganyu grinned. "Oh.. really?" Keqing asked, blushing. "Of  course! You're a great cook." Ganyu replied. "I'm glad you think so." Keqing said happily. As soon as the girls finished eating, they decided to read books and draw, since the giant thunderstorm hadn't stopped yet. Night had rolled around, and they both went to bed. Today, the weather was better, so work was called on. On lunch break, Keqing wanted to take Ganyu somewhere, like Wamin Restaurant. "Do you uhm.. want to go to Wamin Restaurant together?.." Keqing asked, nervously. Ganyu blushed. "Oh! Sure!" The two strolled to Wamin Restaurant and ate some lunch. After that was more work. When they were released from work, Ganyu asked Keqing - "Do you want to go to the Harbor with me?" "Sure!" Keqing said, as they both went down to the harbor part of Liyue Harbor. Ganyu sat next to Keqing, gazing off into the beautiful ocean, as Keqing gazed into her beautiful hazel eyes. Ganyu looked over at Keqing and saw that she was looking at her. "O-oh? Do you need something?" Ganyu asked. "Oh.. no, it's just.." "You're beautiful, Ganyu." Keqing replied, making Ganyu's cheeks red. "Well in any case.." "Keqing, you're precious to me."  Ganyu stated. The two looked at each other, both red. They both gazed at their beauty. They also watched the beautiful sunset. "Ahh, how relaxing, is it not?" Keqing said, embarrassingly trying to change the subject. "Oh yes, it is very nice to sit and relax here with you.." Keqing became red (for like the 15th time already) and nervously looked at Ganyu, with embarrassment in her eyes. Ganyu thought she was adorable when she was flustered all like this. Keqing thought the same. The two girls both sat and watched the sunset, occasionally gazing at each other's beautiful eyes. They went home after a few hours, and went to sleep, dreaming about another outing like this already. 

woohoo pretty proud of this one, what do u guys think? anyways I might update today or tomorrow but of course gott to do the word thingy thing 

total words written- 413

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