Chapter 7

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Location: Metropolis; Luthor Corp

The cleaning crew of Luthor Corp were left to clean the mess that was left by the battle from earlier that day. The rest of the employees spent the rest of the day like nothing happened. Suddenly, a Boomtube opens up in the in the lobby as Steppenwolf, the Female Furies, & Parademons emerge from it.

Steppenwolf: The Mother Box has been here. Gather everyone that's been near the Mother Box in the building!

The Parademons swarm out as they bring in employees of Luthor Corp as they sniff them out one by one. Once the Parademons gathered out the people that were near the Mother Box, Steppenwolf begins to interigate them one by one as he grabs the first employee by the throat.

Steppenwolf: Where is the Mother Box?

Luthor Corp Employee #1: Please, I have a family.

Lashina: Wrong answer.

Steppenwolf snaps the employee's neck and drops the body to the horror of the other employees. Steppenwolf grabs one of Luther Corp's scientist by the throat next.

Luthor Corp Scientist #2: Please, I have a family.

Steppenwolf: Why does everyone say that like it would matter?

Steppenwolf snaps the scientist neck as well and drops the body.

Luthor Corp Employee #3: I know where they took it!

A employee shouts out the answer as Mad Harriett grabs him and brings him forward towards Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf: Where?

Luthor Corp Employee #2: Amanda Waller & Lex Luthor took it to S.T.A.R. Labs. It's not far from here.

Steppenwolf: Kill the rest.

The Parademons begin killing the rest of the hostages by shooting at them.

Steppenwolf: You will show them the way! Lashina, Stampa, Harriet, take the Parademons and retrieve the box.

Lashina: For Darkseid.

Stampa: For Darkseid.

Mad Harriet: For Darkseid. For Darkseid. For Darkseid.

The Female Furies take the Luthor Corp employee and lead the Parademons towards S.T.A.R. Labs. A Boomtube opens up as Granny Goodness emerges with the 2 Mother Boxes.

Granny Goodness: Love what you've done with the place, Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf: Granny, what news from Darkseid?

Granny Goodness: Lord Darkseid wants the unity to happen once we've retrieved the 3rd box.

Steppenwolf touches both the Mother Boxes as as it then shows him flashes of the battle that happened thousands of years ago when Darkseid was defeated by the armies of men, Atlantians, Amazons, & the old gods. But more importanly, it showed him the Anti-Life Equation is on earth.

Granny Goodness: Steppenwolf, what's wrong?

Steppenwolf: The Anti-Life Equation. It's here on Earth.

Granny Goodness: How do you know?

Steppenwolf: The Mother Boxes have shown me.

Steppenwolf heads down to the underground lab where the Mother Box used to be.

Mysterious Voice: Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf heard a voice call out for him. He looks around but sees nothing.

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