Chapter 3

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      At this point in the conversation i was so bored and just wanted her to get to the point. Of Course i would never voice my opinion but it is nice to pretend im saying it aloud. After that whole bomb drop about it being dead witch i could care less about  Amar finally asks "Also gehen wir in eine Pflegefamilie oder in ein neues Zuhause?" ( so are we going into foster care or a new home? ). That is when her whole face lit up like she just won the fucking lottery. 

We both raised an eyebrow at her in sync. That's when she said " Als die Polizei den Bericht über seinen Tod erhielt, beschlossen sie, einen DNA-Test durchzuführen, um zu sehen, ob Sie lebende Verwandte haben, die bereit waren, Sie aufzunehmen. Sie fanden Ihren Vater und Ihre Mutter und Ihre Geschwister. Sie nehmen dich gerne auf, damit du von nun an bei ihnen wohnst" ( When the police got the report of his death they decided to do a DNA test to see if you guys have any living relatives that were willing to take you in they found your father and mother and your siblings. They're more than happy to take you in so you'll be living with them from now on.)  

She Said with a smile on her face as if she said the best news ever. Amar and I were shocked but you would not know that. That's when the men in the room decided to speak by saying to Miss. Red "Do they understand English or do you need to translate " I looked at Amar with a look that said 'is this bitch serious' and signed " no we just go to an American school but don't know English of course that makes perfectly logical sense" I said with an eye roll. Amar looked at me and smirked.

 The men whose name I still don't know were absolutely lost. Amar decided to put them out of their misery by saying " We both know English " Amar said with his thick Russian accent. We grew up in russia and only left a few months ago so our accents were still very prominent.

We both know how to switch and hide our accents but there is no reason to do it anymore. He looked taken aback by his accent but still said " I am your father and this is your eldest brother Emilio. "

( I will post again soon )


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