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                                                                                      POV: Aurora

   I really don't know how to feel, on one hand, I'm upset because we have been doing perfectly fine on our own for a while now and on the other, I'm confused because the question is where have they been all of our lives and why are we just now finding out about them.

I already know what my course of action is going to be, I'm not going to change any of my ways for them and I'm going to stick with the one person I know I can trust the most the one person that has been with me through thick and thin my twin, Amar the one person I know that I can rely on.

As far as my speech and lack of empathy for anyone other than my twin goes I stay completely composed and calm with no emotion showing towards any one of my family members. The reason I say calm and composed in every situation is that once you let people see that they have gotten to you they know exactly what makes you tick and can exploit that in the future.

One of the many things that I have learned in life is that emotion can equal weakness therefore I have trained myself to not were my heart on my sleeve and to keep completely nonchalant in all situations. One might say that I have been hurt in the past and I would be quick to agree because I have and I know that I let that dictate what happens in the future. I have sworn to never give anyone the opportunity to impact me like that again hence why I'm closed off I never want to put myself in a position where I would experience that kind of emotional pain again I don't think that I would make it out alive next time.

Showing vulnerability to anyone even my own brother that I have lived with for my entire life has become a difficult challenge. Thankfully Amar has learned to read last the emotionless facade that I put on and we are able to help each other move forward. Showing no emotion to me is better than showing anyone a hint of emotion and being struck down when you are weak and vulnerable. I also know that Amar has the same mindset that I do and in that way, you could say it's what makes us so close being able to understand each other on a deeper level and where we are coming from and going to these things together has allowed us to form stronger bonds with each other and allowed us to persevere make it out stronger end with a sliver of our sanity intact.

Realizing that I have been lost in thought I see that I have pulled up to the outside of the house. I look to my right and Amar pulls up at the same time that I do we step out together and I know that with Amar by my side I will be able to get through anything. 


This is really just an insight into how Aurora's mind works and how she views the world I hope you like it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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