Chapter 1 Where did my life go?

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I walked back to my little home. it was already dark out. my stomach growled. I hope there's still some food back home. if only dad hadn't left. maybe we'd still have money and mom wouldn't have gone to pull some more money out of the bank. and she wouldn't have died.

This world isn't as friendly as you think it is when your a kid. I learned that in my first year. i almost died of stupidity.I was freezing and starving.

but then I found a pretty decent house when i was roughly ten that wasn't owned by anyone. I got two jobs and spruced the place up and was able to pay for food. because of my height and some other reason people think I'm older than I am. I got a job at Starbucks and books a millions.

I love my job at books a millions but I hate Starbucks. the people I serve are all asses and I don't even like tea or coffee or anything they serve except for the chocolate chip cookies.

I love playing the guitar, I love singing, drawing, dancing, writing. I do it all in my spare time. but since i still need a education i got a computer and go to online school.

I know I have two decent jobs but its not enough to pay for food and other things i need. a good man who works for a water company who knew my mom who I pay to give my house running water and electricity. That's how I can keep my house running while saying out of the system. That's been my life for about five years now.

I walk up my driveway and up to the door. I pulled out my keychain and unlock the door. I turned on the lights. yup. same shitty place. it was nice for what it was. but still shitty. I grabbed a water from the kitchen and walked over a few rooms to my bedroom.

I plopped down on my bed and pulled out my phone. I put it on youtube. that's one of the few places I can confide in and can let all my feelings out into. to the people on the screen. I pulled up one of my favorite youtubers, markiplier.

I've always wanted to go to the conventions and meet and greets to meet them. but with my life, I can't. and they'd probably think its weird or who knows what. i went onto his channel and clicked on is most recent video. it was a video for a fan made game. it was hilarious. there even was a jump scare that made him fall off his chair. that made me laugh harder.

I got a notification that he had just made another video. I quickly pulled it up and started it.

" Hey guys, um....... I wanted to tell you guys about a charity live stream I'm doing that um.......... I really would live all of you guys to donate to. uh...... it's a charity that tries to help people who have depression or try to commit suicide or self harm. and I think that it would be great if you all donat........."

I paused the video. it's hard for me to hear about that kind of stuff. I don't know why but it just is.

I looked at the time. 10:12, I might as well go to bed. I switched into my pj's and went to bed.

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