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Four years ago, Kazutora was the most happiest man alive on earth. Meeting (Y/N) was the biggest gift that he had ever received in his entire existence, he could finally be in love without feeling any pain. (Y/N) was the biggest blessing he had ever gotten and he never wanted it to go away. Their relationship was perfect, the female actually had dealt with his anger issues without complaining that he was too much to take care of. She never once did despise him, she loved Kazutora as much as he loved him. He promised to her that one day she will be his bride and that they could live a happy life together. Kazutora indeed was the luckiest man alive on earth with (Y/N) beside her.

Their relationship could've last long, it could've been more perfect. Kazutora just made the biggest mistake in his life. He believed a single rumor that a girl at their school had spread about (Y/N) seeing another guy. He believed it so easily. He couldn't believe how stupid his actions were. The photos that they had shown him were all photoshopped and weren't real. 

"Kazu please just believe me! Never once did I cheat on you!" (Y/N) shouted, tears rolling down her face while Kazutora looked at her with disbelief on his face. 

"Stop lying for fucks sake! I saw the pictures, I saw everything. So don't fucking lie to me." Kazutora yelled raising a hand which made the female flinch thinking he was gonna hit her. The male was hesitating. He did truly love the female and he wouldn't have the urge to hit her just like that. His mind was filled with the rumors that everyone  was talking about in school. Making up stories just to break their relationship apart. And he was this stupid to believe them.

"That's just a stupid rumor Kazutora! Do you seriously believe those rather than me? I'm your girlfriend for fucks sake, just listen to me!"

"What's left to explain (Y/N)?! The photos.. they were true.. you were cheating.. I saw it with my own eyes!" Kazutora with much rage burning up inside him. (Y/N) couldn't believe it. The man she loved, the man she trusted her heart with, the man who was supposed to be her groom, didn't believe her. (Y/N)'s eyes were filled with tears, her heart ached at the sensation. It was painful. The person she loved didn't listen to her.

"Look it's not hard to explain the mistake you did. You could've told me. You could've-"

"I think I've had enough, Kazutora." (Y/N) said. Kazutora's eyes widened in shock.

"What do you mean?" Kazutora managed to asked, his voice shaking, nervous on what the female's reply would be.

"If you'll just believe a stupid rumor rather than me, then I don't think our relationship is gonna work anymore." (Y/N) said. A tear left Kazutora's eye when he heard the front door shut. He was lost again. That's when he realized his mistake. He followed his mind again rather than his heart. The rumors occupied his mind whilst his heart was stating to not believe those stupid photoshopped rumors. He was such a coward. He lost the only girl who understood him, the girl who comforted him in his darkest times, the girl who managed to control his anger, the girl who fixed him. Oh how he regretted it. He regretted believing those stupid rumors.


After a few years of searching for the girl he loved, he finally found her. Walking up the rooftop with a white haired male. He tried to contact her ever since she left but she won't pick up. Is it because she found someone new? If she did, then Kazutora hated it. His rage boiled up inside of him. His urge of shooting (Y/N) even though she was the girl he loved. He can't stand seeing her with another male. If he can't have him, then no one can. He quietly followed the two up the top and he hid behind the back door, pulling out his gun and finding the right time to shoot the female.

"Great job Haru! I'm so glad you're-" Hearing another man's name with her mouth was the only thing left that triggered him to press the trigger of his gun. It shot right through the female's stomach causing her to collapse. Mikey looked at (Y/N) with a shocked look but his gaze went to Kazutora.

"If she won't come back to me, then there's no use keeping her alive."

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