3: What Are These Feelings?

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Chapter 3

'Tendou... Tendou... Tendou... Tendou...'

Kept flashing in her mind. She fiddled with her pen, staring at the blank page, she still couldn't find any inspiration. All she could think about was the man, next door.

Her new friend...

She pulled her phone out, staring at his number. She literally had 4 contacts on her phone, her father, a cousin, her old therapist and now Tendou Satori... She never messaged him, and it's been a few days, what if he thought she didn't want to be friends? Oh god, what does she do? Y/n sighed; he had been on her mind constantly since they met. Every time she thought of him, she never felt repulsed but every time, she was near another man, she would automatically crawl back into her shell.

Y/n's attention was thwarted when a folder was placed in front of her, she looked up, only to look immediately down. Her co-worker smiled at her. He had taken a little liking to the girl since she joined the office but whenever he tried to get close, she would always distance herself. He could be a little too much at times.

"Good evening L/n-san, sorry for disturbing you but these are the rough drafts that Ohno-sama requested for you to edit."

Y/n kept her eyes glued to the yellow folder, she felt uncomfortable. He was standing right behind her, trying to peer over her shoulder

"Um... thank you... I'll finish them by the end of the week..." She muttered and he crouched down near her, making her squeak as she gripped her desk, trying to control her heart. Her co-worker just chuckled,

"L/n-san, it's been months now and you're still so shy around me... Kawaii..." He mused, misinterpreting her actions, laughing before he patted her back, making her go pale. As soon as he walked away, she let out a sigh in relief. She was about to open the folder, but she stopped,

'He touched me... and I didn't run away...'

After the incident, when her phobia had arised, every time she had accidently, touched or brushed against a man, she would immediately get nauseated, always running to the nearest toilet to puke her stomach's content.

For her, it was a life changer that she initiated a kiss with Tendou that night, hell, she let him climb over her in his bed... she let him get that close and she didn't feel sick at all. Not until she remembered, that is...

After months of therapy, Y/n could finally go out in public, without her father accompanying her. Choosing to move to Tokyo was a big life change for her. At first, her father was not comfortable, but the moment Y/n realised she needed to chase her dreams, she held her stance. She realised that he couldn't shelter her, her entire life, she needed to overcome this. Even during therapy, a full in-depth discussion with her therapist had made Y/n realise that it was all mind over matter.

So, for a few months, she began following exercises given to her. Her father would accompany her to a park, sit on a bench while she walked around by herself until she could no longer endure it. At first, the walks at the park would only last 5 minutes or less but as time went on, they extended, and she felt okay. Then they began getting the groceries, forcing herself to check out at a till managed by a man. Her conversations were shaky, abrupt, however now, she had learnt to keep her cool. She still felt uncomfortable talking to men but if it was something serious or work related, she could handle it.

Finally, when Maro came into her life, she felt better. Like she had someone to take care off, instead of being taken care off.

She faced her biggest challenge when her father had to work away for two nights. They both were tense, and he offered to cancel on his boss, but she refused. He had a life; he needed a break.

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