32: Till My Last Breath

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Chapter 31:

Y/n stood by the window, watching the grey sky as rain gently poured outside. She felt the silence in the room, despite the chatter outside. It was a surreal moment for her, thinking back to her old life. She never thought she'd be where she was now.

Her fingers stroked the flowers on the table, looking at the ground begin to darken from the raindrops. Y/n propped open the window, inhaling the damp air, letting it calm her beating heart

She always loved the smell of rain. Even though, everything always looked gloomy and dreary with the dark atmosphere, it was a source of comfort, listening to the pitter patter, raindrops made when they landed on the glass.

There were a few knocks on her door

"Y/n, it's me! Can I come in?" Ohno-sama's voice came through the door before the handle turned and she popped her head in

"Y-n, I just- Oh my..." She sighed, stepping into the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Ohno had a palm to her face, looking at the blushing Y/n who turned to face her. She walked closer to the younger woman, giving her a proud look

"You look so beautiful" She said, tears doting her eyes, looking at the blushing bride before her. Y/n gave a humble smile, shyly looking at the bouquet she was holding

"Thank you, Ohno-sama... How've you been? I've missed you!" She beamed, letting Ohno fix the veil behind her head

"A month without you felt like a lifetime! But forget about me, I just can't get over you, right now! What a lovely dress" She gushed, and Y/n smiled looking at the dress she adorned, holding her bouquet tighter.

"It was my mother's..." She said softly and Ohno glanced at her face before she sighed,

"Oh Y/n, she'd be so proud of you. I know I am" Ohno said, squeezing on her Y/n's hands and Y/n squeezed it harder, blushing

"I-I know it's only been a short time that I've known you but... thank you for being there for me, Ohno-sama. Without you, I don't think I'd be where I am right now. You showed me how to stand up for myself, how to be brave, follow my dreams and..." Her cheeks hued, a prominent pink, looking at her bouquet with a shy smile

"How to get close to Satori..." Y/n gazed up at the emotional woman, feeling her own eyes water

"...you're the closest I've ever had to a mother" She ended and Ohno let out a little sob, hugging her. Both of them stood there in silence, rubbing each other's back before pulling away. Ohno laughed, grabbing some tissues

"Don't cry now Y/n, you'll ruin your makeup and the makeup artist I hired will be pissed..." She dabbed under her eyes, before distracting Y/n, talking her down.

"You're going to be Tendou Y/n, in an hour... How exciting! I was very nervous on my wedding day too... but compared to me, I think you two truly have the sweetest love story, out of any couple I know"

"I'm not as nervous as I thought I'd be about getting married... I'm more nervous because it's been so long, and I really want to see him... We're ready for the next chapter of our lives."

Y/n put the bouquet down, walking towards the full-length mirror to give herself a once over before she turned, giving the older woman a warm smile, and Ohno's eyes widened, a hand to her chest

"Oh Y/n..."

The door opened and Sayo popped her head inside, to the other two women. Her baby in her arms as he calmly sucked on his pacifier

"Sorry to interrupt but it's time to shine, baby cousin! You look stunning!" She gushed and Y/n held her bouquet again, looking at an emotional Ohno-sama who gave a smile,

Sweet Like Chocolate 18+ (Timeskip!Tendou Satori X Shy!OC) NSFWWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt