Chapter 12

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A few days later, Y/N had no reason to smile

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A few days later, Y/N had no reason to smile. It all started with a normal walk following a small stream. Every few times when she looked at the sky, she could see brown and different colored birds flying straight ahead. And other animals, such as deer, rabbits, foxes, fled into the depths of the forest as far as possible. By diving deeper into the bushes, she reached a lake. And that was another one she found this week. Feeling the wind in her hair, she listened to the quiet, hidden song among the nature. She loved that feeling of peace. She dreamed about this moment. She looked around. And she was sure of one thing: She was not alone here as a finger.

Going further to the shore, she caught one thing in her eye. A man sitting on a large stone, sharpening his sword. He had dirty blonde hair, a green hoodie, and a strange white mask tilted away from his face. It didn't take even a minute, to him to turn around revealing his emerald eyes. Y/N really want to say "hello" but glancing at his hand, holding a sword, it wasn't a right idea to say that. Looking at her up and down, he got up from his place, and starts walking towards her. Right when he was few steps ahead, Y/N took a stick from the ground, like it will do something. She felt tears rising in her eyes. She could even said a word, as her vision became blurry. She froze.

The man raised his sword to the side of her neck, he was ready to cut of her head, by just a simple swing, Y/N tear rolled out her cheek, she closed her eyes, waiting for the strike of pain, but the only pain she felt was on her cheek, as the person made a cut from the tip of the sword under her eye. That was a good sight for her as she tuned around and ran to the forest, but stopped. Her curiosity was winning her mind. Y/N went back to the lake, spotting the same man sitting on the ground. 

"What?" the person said. Y/N looked at him up and down, like she was judging his entire existing.

"Why do you wear a mask with a smile, if we can smile ourselves?" she asked, sitting next to him, tilting her head.

The man narrowed his eyes at her. "I-well-"

"Why are you alone? Don't you have any friends?"

"I have-"

"I can be your friend! It's been so boring out here! And mine stupid babysitter doesn't what to play with me." Y/N crossed her legs and smiled at him.

 "My name is Y/N."

He nodded his head and half smiled at her. "I'm... Dream


Not all summer has to be sunny and hot, right? Well it was today that the gloomy day arrived. The dark clouds took over the sky, and the rain starts to dropped hard on the ground. Dream and Y/N, walking down the meadow, hidden under Dream's wooden shield even tho it wasn't working that much. Both of them were soaking wet.

"This shield is useless! Are you alright?" he asked, bring her closer to him.

"I'm okay." she answered "But I'm cold!" Dream looked down at her. As his grip got a bit tighter, around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him to keep her warm, it didn't work, since he was cold too.

"Oh, look it's clearing up" he pointed at the sky as it was getting a bit warmer as the sun come out. After they took few steps the mud and wet grass magically disappeared. Y/N turned around and gasped "Oh! Dream look!" she said looking the largest and most visible rainbow she and him ever seen.

"I've almost forgotten what rainbows look like" Dream said. Y/N smiled.

"What's your favourite colour?" Dream looked confused, she really didn't notice?

"It's... green" Dream looked down at his hoodie. Y/N let out a small chuckles.

"Oh, yeah! I didn't notice. Well my favourite colour is yellow. A light yellow just like the sun!" she said proudly, pointing at the sun.

"Isn't the sun white?" Dream raised his eyebrow, with cocky smirk.

"No! It's yellow! Light yellow! Can't you see?" she protested, crossing her arms on her chest.

"I'm pretty sure it's white" he replied.

"No! I told you! It was always yellow!" Y/N pushed him playfully, as Dream pushed her back lightly. They kept arguing, while waking Y/N realised she was back at familiar road to Pogtobia. 

"I have to go, that way is my home" Y/N said, getting closer to the hill. "Want to meet my babysitter?"

"No" he answered. Y/N was confused by his answered. She expected more nicer like a yes.

"Why not? I know he can be a grumpy pants but he's nice." Y/N put her hands on her hips, looking up at him.

He sighed. "Maybe next time. Want me to walk you to your house?" Y/N was unsure, she wanted to show him her room and everything, but she doesn't want to get in trouble with Techno.

"Nope, I'm good. Bye!" Y/N smiled, quickly hugging him and ran. 

Dream really do care about her. She was the only person that didn't make fun of him or start a fight, she was so nice to him. She talked to him normally, and even if he said useless jokes, she laughed at them. It was being treated like a normal person, for once. 

Beautiful Girl | Yandere! Dream Smp x Child! Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now